NaamYves Vandichel
Functie1315× DJ, producer
Lid van groepBlack in time
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
Genresclassics, early hardcore, hard dance, hard house, hard trance, hardcore, hardstyle, jump, oldschool, trance
hardcore, hardstyle, house, trance
partyflock Dj Yves (28 jun 2010)


Yves is an all-round deejay from Holland and Belgium. He spins the decks for more then 25 years now.

He performed his skills (some main stage) at the following mega party's:

Tomorrowland (360.000 visitors)
Mysteryland (60.000 visitors)
Decibel outdoor (50.000 visitors)
Defqon 1 (40.000 visitors)
Thunderdome (20.000 visitors)
The Nightmare (20.000 visitors)
Pussylounge (10.000 visitors)
Sensation Black (10.000 visitors)
Bassleader (10.000 visitors)
Reverze (10.000 visitors)

And also in various areas on these party's
Crazyland, Back2school, Megarave, Mindcontroller, Earthquake, Fast Forward Parade, Frequence, Hard Bass, Hardcore 4 life, Hardcore Overdrive, Headliner, Hellraiser, Intenze, In Qontrol, Mania, Masters of hardcore, Megafestatie, Q-base, Raveworld, Raving Nightmare, Scantraxx, Slaves To The Rave, The Ultimate Seduction, Trip 2 Dreamland.

Yves has produced tracks with numerous well known producers such as:
Dj Tiésto, Da boy tommy, Da Rick, Human Resource, Solid Solution.

Uitgaansagenda Yves

Tomorrowland Winter23 bezoekersAlpe d'Huez, Huez
Alex Wann, Amber Broos, Amelie Lens, Betical, BORING, Brian, HAAi, HUGEL, Jelle DK, Lennert Wolfs, Meduza, Michael More, Miss Monique, Neon, Odymel, Regi, The Oddword, Third Party, Thomas Moulene, Yves
Oude liefde roest niet · Ah sh#t here we go again uitverkocht109 bezoekersThe Loods H.O.F, Roosendaal
Adaro, Angelic, Bass-D, Bass'R, Clayton Cash, Consequent, Demon, Blade & Mystery, Dr. Rude, Dutchman Jack, Enexis, Epyx, Falqon, Freaco, Hectic, Iridium, J-Mat, Jones, Josh & Wesz, Low Frequency, Luna, en nog 15 andere artiesten →
90s No Limits23 bezoekersEvenemententerrein De Boulevard, Bergen op Zoom
2 Brothers on the 4th Floor, Bjorno, Captain Jack, Critical Mass, Galaga, Hilco S., Jody Bernal, Mental Theo, Miss Puss, Pat B, Rob & MC Joe, Sylver, The Darkraver, Yves
Lost Memories · Outdoor FestivalWIN282 bezoekersBreepark, Breda
Apster, Arado, Charly Lownoise, Danger Hardcore Team, Dark-E, Fer Sebasti, Francois, Franky Dux, Jan, Kid Karma, Luna, Nowaxx, Pat B, Paul Brugel, Potato, Renegade, Semmer, Sven Lanvin, The Darkraver, Yves, en nog 1 andere artiesten →
Harmony of Hardcore3091 bezoekersFestivalterrein De Roost, Erp
Abaddon, Advanced Dealer, Affix, Akimbo, Akira, Al Twisted, Amigo, Anna Crystal, Arjuna, Axys, Back to Angel, Barber, Bass-D, Bazzy, Bionator Project, Bokkenrijders, Bruhze, Bulletproof, Captain Core, Chaotic Hostility, en nog 168 andere artiesten →
Just Dance Outdoor21 bezoekersBrabantpark, Etten-Leur
Bjorno, Clayton Cash, Critical Mass, Dustin Hertz, Francois, Frans Bauer, Miss Puss, Monique Smit, Pat B, Paul Elstak, Potato, Q-Music Het Foute Uur, Rob & MC Joe, Stanton, T-Spoon, Vieze Jack, Wesly Bronkhorst, Yves (nog niet compleet)
KARMA · Outdoor291 bezoekersLandsard Beach, Eindhoven
verdeeld over alle dagen: Alee, Bass-D, Bountyhunter, DaY-már, Dazzler, Drokz, Dutchman Jack, E-Rush, Franky Jones, Gizmo, J.D.A., Kid Karma, Luna, Noize Suppressor, OCD, Panic, Pavo, Promo, PsyckoDJ, Ruffneck, en nog 8 andere artiesten →
Smashed Potatoes FestivalWIN340 bezoekersBillyBird Park Drakenrijk, Reuver
Armand, Axys, Baba, Bass Chaserz, Bass-D, Crosswire, Crude Intentions, Danger Hardcore Team, Darcon Inc., Dark-E, Dazzler, Distortion, DjayB, Dr. Rude, Dustin Hertz, Franky Dux, Freaky D, Freestyle Maniacs, Genius, Graat, en nog 41 andere artiesten →


Zondag 12 oktober gaan we de videoclip opnemen van de nieuwe Sonic Solutions - Don't speak, in discotheek La Vie en Rose te Roosendaal. 11