NaamKristian Beyer , Frank Wiedemann
Functie350× DJ, 100× live, zang, producer, groep
Lid van groepenvroeger: Innercity Visions
Innervisions & Schwarzmann
HerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪
Genresdeep house, house, minimal, techno
house, techno


Two friends meet outside Karlsruhe, in Schwarzwald. One is an explorer of galaxies far away, the other a composer of fragments. Together they create a joie de vivre, arranging and deconstructing their creations, their own formations.
Beneath their feet, a stone world rests against the living world, touching rivers, mountains, forest floors and the first foot trails between Schwarzwald, Vosges Mountains and Naturpark Pfälzerwald.
This stone world is made of smooth subterranean rock that swirls and folds. Altered from its original igneous by pressures a hundred thousand years strong. What was once sharp is now smooth. Lines become curves, reversals. If you were to try read its origin, its strata, you would not tell which direction the past flowed or the future began.

Uitgaansagenda Âme

Mindscape2 AppicLofi, Amsterdam
Âme, Eli Verveine, VNTM
STOOR × Circle of Live27 bezoekersParadiso, Amsterdam
Âme, Barker, De Lichting, Eversines, Human Space Machine, JakoJako, Kaap, Nathan Kofi, queniv, RDS, Sebastian Mullaert, Speedy J
komm schon Alter170 bezoekersTuinen van West, Amsterdam
Âme, Arabella Memdouh, Huminal, Joachim Pastor, Juan Sanchez, Mees Salomé, Miss Melera, Nicky Elisabeth, NTO, Olivier Weiter, Rose Ringed, Steve Rachmad, Teya Flow
Paradise City Festival3 bezoekersDomein van Ribaucourt, Steenokkerzeel
Altin Gün, Âme, Anetha, Ashanti, Audrey Danza, Aurora Halal, Avalon Emerson, B12, Ben Böhmer, Ben Kamal, Berlioz, Bibi Seck, Celeste, Chlär, Chris Stussy, Christian AB, CJ Bolland, Dana Montana, DC Noises, DC Salas, en nog 59 andere artiesten →
Awakenings Festival428 bezoekersBeekse Bergen, Hilvarenbeek
Adriatique, Alex Wann, Âme, Ben Böhmer, Dixon, Eli Brown, Estella Boersma, FJAAK, Freddy K, Funk Assault, Indira Paganotto, Jimi Jules, Kasia, Reinier Zonneveld, Sara Landry, The Lady Machine, TWIENA, Yulia Niko
Tomorrowland128 bezoekersDe Schorre, Boom
A-Tom-X, Albert Harvey, Alexander Popov, Âme, Amelie Lens, Anders, ANNA, Anyma, Argy, ARTBAT, Audio Wave, Ballantine, Blastoyz, Blazy, Brian Cross, Carly Wilford, Christophe, Curses, Cyril, Dana Montana, en nog 84 andere artiesten →

soundcloud Recente muziek

spotify Muziek

23 mei 2010
Foto's, Mouse, 23 mei 2010, Poema, Utrecht

21 waarderingen

Je moet er van houden. EN IK HOUD ER ZO VAN!
Mark Antoni
Ik heb deze gasten in de Panoramabar gezien in Berlin wat een held!!!
R. Manhouse
Rrose Selavy en vele andere dikke tracks :)
Frank Dutrônc
Terje Olsen
und hoooop. housuuuuuuuuh
Van Het Fijnste:D
house zoals het hoort
Einer der besten DJs, die ich je gehoert habe!
Wakker Dier
Cocoon 28-03 held ! Eerst heerlijk opbouwen en dan knallen :D
@ panorama = priceless!
goede set geleverd afgelopen zaterdag
House in zijn puurste vorm :) helden.
HELDEN!!! holee!
Vet goed!
Wat een helden!!!!!
hoe krijgen ze t voor elkaar..

8 opmerkingen

Rej :respect:
laatste aanpassing
Werkzaam bij {SHOWLIST organization 926, 664, 610}
Artiest Wesdex
Op eerste pinksterdag is het dan eindelijk zover dan is de kickoff van Mouse met niemand minder dan Innervisions held: Ame! Voor zijn optreden bij Mouse heeft Ame een exclusief interview afgegeven.
Which band or artist has influenced you the most?
Too many to name them. I think that it's all about listening to a lot of different music. At the moment I'd say more classical music is influencing me. Such as Richard Strauss, Debussy, Terry Riley, just to name a few.
You are both DJ's and producers. What do you like the most?
I prefer both. I mean the possibility to choose and switch between both worlds. And there is performing live now that attracts me a lot. I would not like to do only one thing!
Ame is made of the duo Kristian Beyer & Frank Wiedemann, but often at gigs only Frank or Kristian plays. Why is this?
Because often you have got only 2 hours to play and it does not make so much sense to divide this into two, right? Besides, I see Kristian many days during the week when we are in the studio. The weekends are for ourselves
If you were completely free to choose, which artist or track would you like to remix?
There are many … but one thing is for sure: it has to be something out of another musical context so that we can add something or turn it into another direction to merge different musical styles.
The electronic highway is moving very fast over the last few years. What do you think about the technical changes in the scene and the reduction of vinyl DJ's?
Everybody is free to do what he likes. I still like playing with vinyl and cd's instead of watching my computer. Mainly because of the sound and the feeling. I think that Serato etc are only small steps to a next level controller. Something that's really new. And then, who knows? Maybe I also switch.
But I still just love vinyl as a physical product with a cover that I can see and touch.
What is your biggest musical wish?
Composing an electronic symphony played by a real orchestra.
Besides the passion for electronic music, what do you like to do when you're not professionally performing or working on music?
Eat, drink and rest!
What can we expect from Ame in the upcoming years?
Oh, years? Well, we just finished the score for a silent movie called “Dr. Caligari” which we performed live with Dixon and Henrik Schwarz. This was really a lot of fun and inspiration. So maybe we continue working on soundtracks. But for sure we're also continuing doing dance music. The next 12inch is nearly finished and a remix for DFA should see the light of day within the next weeks (or months?). Personally for me the next big thing that just starts is to perform âme tracks live.
What is your favorite spot to play and what's the specific reason for that?
There are also many many places that I like because of there special Atmosphere or great hosts or simply for their great soundsystem and an open minded audience that follows what I do.
laatste nummer van de geweldige set van Âme live @ 8bahn festival, Âme heeft wel vaker tracks die nog niet gereleased zijn maar deze moet ik echt hebben dus als iemand weet van wie deze remix is graag een reactie:respect:
Paar weken geleden in Trouw..!
laatste aanpassing