NaamDavide Guernieri
Functie246× DJ, 10× live
Lid van groepAggressive Act
HerkomstItalië 🇮🇹
Genresraw hardstyle
BoekingenSite …
AffiliatiesAggressive Records
Gearbox Digital
Independent Artists Agency


Malice are the explosive duo from Italy who together, form what is probably the Rawest and Hardest Hardstyle act in the business.

Aleandro Bollino and Davide Guernieri formed "Malice" in 2013. Aleandro already had two years of experience with producing Hardstyle before starting the duo, and when Davide joined forces with him, this is when shit got serious.

Throughout 2013 and 2014 they created six tracks that have been supported from small and big names like Exit Mind, and in the summer of 2014 they joined the fast rising Hardstyle Label "Gearbox Digital".

Their first releases 'Stand Back' and 'Respect Me' catapulted them into the forefront of the very rawest in the scene - this EP really was an impressive way to announe yourself with a serious bang. They then created 2 tracks for the Gearbox Digital Present Mechanical Warfare album, and support started to roll in from artists such as Delete, Thyron, Radiance and more!

soundcloud Recente muziek

spotify Muziek

25 maart 2023
Foto's, Snowbass Festival, 25 maart 2023, Balkenhaven, Zaandam
28 januari 2023
Foto's, X-Qlusive, 28 januari 2023, AFAS Live, Amsterdam
25 januari 2020
Foto's, Snowbass Festival, 25 januari 2020, North Sea Venue, Zaandam
11 mei 2019
Foto's, Phoenix Festival, 11 mei 2019, Evenemententerrein Nuland, Nuland

3 waarderingen

Heerlijk duo
ging pokkehard bij ground zero, heerlijk rauw!!
Raw tot op het bot!!!

3 opmerkingen

Artiest CRO
Erg benieuwd naar Ground Zero! Hun tracks liegen er in ieder geval niet om!

Concentr8 met Adventum, Doom, hun remix van Unresolved - EDM <3
Malice @ the dark menace show. Lekker beuk setje.
fucking bazen! een van de hardste acts in de scene op het moment