NaamLex Brekelmans
Functie21× DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genreshard trance, techno
techno, trance


Bold Action, born as Lex Brekelmans, started producing music at the end of 2009. Spending countless hours in an (improvised) studio chasing his passion led to the development of a truly unique sound. As he was not afraid to do something different and to try out a wide variety of genres, he eventually generated a solid and distinctive sonic signature. Finally, in the beginning of 2013, this sound reached the ears of Geck-e, and Bold Action's track 'First Things First' was featured and released on the Defqon 1 CD Compilation. To top it all, Lex also got to perform at Defqon.1 together with a friend after delivering a fresh production and mix for the Qult contest. After this mindblowing experience, he continued to improve his production and mixing skills, resulting in a performance at Qult #9 and the release of his track 'Boiling Point' by Q-Dance records on the second Qult EP.…

Uitgaansagenda Bold Action

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 5 mei 2018: Madness XXL, Bootshaus, Keulen


geen·in de toekomst
21·in het verleden
2926×bekeken sinds 4 oktober 2013
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