Laure Croft
9 juli 2022
NaamLaure Dirven
Functie28 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
WoonachtigDuitsland 🇩🇪


Dutch-born, Berlin-based DJ Laure Croft lives by the mantra 'keep it sexy'. When behind the decks she takes approach for the moment of release in the most powerful dance floor experiences, when clothes come off and the energy reaches fever pitch.

This sensual attitude manifests in the way she plays – a constant rush of high-intensity techno with little respite as she rips through a collection which spans the mid 90s to the mid 00s. She's no vinyl elitist, but in touching a pair of Technics she found an internal excitement which was lacking from CDJs, where the tension around the mix and the story embedded in the grooves of a record feed into the energy of the party. She glides through her record bag after ceaseless hours of digging and selecting with an instinctive code which defines her unique sound.


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