16 juni 2020
NaamMickael Agarla
Functie30 × DJ
HerkomstFrankrijk 🇫🇷
WoonachtigVerenigde Arabische Emiraten 🇦🇪
Genresdeep house


French producer who's musical project has turned MAGA into a journey through melodic, organic and minimalistic patterns. MAGA has developed and explored different genres of sound during the last 9 years throughout the cities he has lived and traveled to.

MAGA spent the last year and a half performing with a hybrid setup that certainly pushed the boundaries of risk. His hybrid setup demonstrated a fusion of melodic, minimal and strong energy level that helped embody his very own sound and production in every one of his appearances.
MAGA has decided to go back to his roots by performing DJ sets to keep exploring further into his musical ambience and artistic persona.

MAGA recently released on Stil Vor talent & Flying Circus, and has also a couple of new releases coming up on several well known labels.

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