NaamAndrew Taggart & Alex Pall
Functie76× DJ, groep
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸
Genresfuture bass, house
Ook herkend als
  • Chainsmokers


The Chainsmokers is wise beyond their years and aggressively handsome, these two overachievers are focused on success… Never before has the world seen two furry browed individuals such as these two (seriously they have really bushy eye brows)… As you might have imagined Alex and Drew did not meet on the set of their Vogue Cover shoot while surrounded by super models, but rather somewhere else. Apart from Social Darwinism, the thing that separates these two men from the rest is their unsettling and uncanny ability to discover and create trends. They find the parts of things that people actually give a shit about, whatever they may be, and focus on creating and improving those parts. With live sets and productions that their own mothers describe as, "sounds nice, but a little loud," these two always put on a show that was not ever described as sexy and life-changing, but should be. Apart from their unique personalities and boyish good looks, they have many similarities.…

Uitgaansagenda The Chainsmokers

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 7 september 2024: Hullabaloo Festival, Drafbaan Stadspark, Groningen

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