© Koen Vernimmen
Functie153× DJ
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪


Kr!z always had a strong sympathy for the more gloomy, dark, rawer sound of techno. Artists like Jeff Mills, Surgeon & James Ruskin had a major influence on him in the 90ies. They helped to define his musical taste and develop his own identity in the techno scene. Kr!z still has a big love for hip hop, which has left it's mark in his technical dj style: fast & tight mixing, properly dosed with cuts & scratches.
Being a respected & established value in Belgium for a decade and a resident-dj for Belgium's legendary techno night 'Kozzmozz', his dj-schedule now takes him all over the world.

In 2007, Kr!z felt there was too much good music around from his favourite artists that didn't get a proper release, so he started his own label 'Token'. He rapidly established the label as a fixed val..

Uitgaansagenda Kr!z

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 29 juni 2024: Vault Sessions, BRET, Amsterdam

3 waarderingen

kerel die weet hoe het moet
TéChNó - DúDé [Techno Aap]
Deze man draait techno zoals techno hoort te zijn!! Een lust voor het oog, genot om heerlijk op los te gaan.

2 opmerkingen

haha... lekker gedraaid man op I love techno!!!!! was echt een geniale afsluiter, heb niet stil gestaan ondanks de krampen!!! THX'S!