High Soundsystem
NaamRutger Heij
Functie196× DJ, 11× soundsystem
AliasSasha Avrosa
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genrestech house
AffiliatiesMaking Patterns
Obvious Collective
partyflock Sasha Avrosa (8 okt 2010)


High Soundsystem's real name is Rutger Heij, he grew up in Dodrecht a small town near Rotterdam in the Netherlands at his family home with kid brother, kid sister and mom and dad. Always surrounded by world music like Latin, Rock, Jazz but also Hip Hop and electronic music like Trance. Rutger began his musical journey by playing a game called 'Music 2000' on the Playstation where he got to create music, sounded like African music with bongos and congas. Later on he found love for House music because of his uncle DJ DARIK (Erik Damwijk) who showed him the example. Unfortunately his uncle died at a very young age which left Rutger and his family with a whole they couldn't fill. Rutger decided ti reach in his unlce's footsteps and started practicing the art of DJ'ing and so his cousin Dennis helped him take his baby steps. It didn't take long before Rutger started playing in clubs amoung good friend JMP, Renco & DJ Slick.…

Uitgaansagenda High Soundsystem

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 18 oktober 2024: De Binnenstad, IJver, Amsterdam


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