Profiel · 1014505
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Profielafbeelding · wenus84
:) :) heyyy there :) :) wanna talk? write in --> ENGLISH <-- ;) ...just small TEST.. :D so. if U don't make an effort TO READ this, then don't expect my answer ;) .... Life is an art of choice.. and its consequences .... Go HARD or go home ! :D
Deze gebruiker is al geruime tijd niet meer langsgeweest en staat derhalve op non-actief.
WoonplaatsBleiswijk (Zuid-Holland)
LandNederland 🇳🇱
BeroepPolish Hardcore TERRORist
Favoriete genresartcore, frenchcore, hardcore, symphonic hardcore, terror, uptempo hardcore
Lid sinds11 januari 2009 19:11
Laatst hier13 november 2018 11:51
Laatste aanpassingzaterdag 31 december 2022 om 06:37 door het systeem


Laatst bezochte feest was op zaterdag 19 mei 2018: Harmony of Hardcore, De Roost, Erp


45084·pagina's bekeken
147·evenementen bezocht
620·oude interessante evenementen
32·winactie deelnemingen
27·forumberichten (onderwerpenlijst)
15×positieve karma
16×negatieve karma
1448·privéberichten verzonden
2099·privéberichten ontvangen

46 opmerkingen

It seems that I'm the first person to write something in your guestbook.

The weather here in Holland is cold, it's a few degrees above zero with a little bit of snow.

Good luck with your party upcoming saturday and take good care of yourself!

laatste aanpassing
Thank You ;)
yeah but you know what the problem is its a little bit of far away for me:P
laatste aanpassing
you want 2 do a double bungyjump? then just do it someday;)
next week Mastersssssssssssssssssssssssssss:P
Maybe I'll see you walking around and than you can show me your dance moves 8)
I had a good time @ MOH but also a bit disappointed. Last year and the year before that were much better.. The sound at the mainstage was too soft.

I like it loud . I want to feel the bass.. And I guess I've been to too many parties to be really shocked..And I missed the show at 00.00 I was @ the early stage and had too walk back too the mainstage and by the time I got there it was already over


Too bad I didn't see you last saturday on MOH, still there are lots of other parties where we can see each other. I wasn't real often in the mainstage I was in the other 3 halls most of the time.

I had a great time with some people who I didn't see in a real long time on parties.

There is just one funny pic of me and Claudia, that one is almost good for a commercial of the popular Raket ijs! ;p

yes i am that guy jo think :P haha haw are you?
Holland (H) hehe thx for the comment!

Thanka a lot (k) maybe I'll see you @ IQ
Did you have a good time saturday?

laatste aanpassing
hehe YEAH - really cool and I found the best pleace 4 dancing :D not so much people around, not much rubbish on the floor, good lights and just gr8 hehe :P why didnt U come back? :>
I walked around between the stages and than I met some friends ..I kinda lost track of time ..Im sorry about that, I really liked seeing you again

:D thats good - I was just wondering a bit, cause U told me that U were alone there ;) but I hope U had gr8 time there - this is the most important :)
so C U next ime - maybe Ground Zero? ;)
I had a nice time:P..maybe GZ :jaja:
Nice 8) yeah, it's difficult to organize a good party and to keep the people coming...
You're welcome and you also thanx for your comments ;)

Hey Hey :)

Happy Birthday :cheer:

(K) Roy :bye:
ey ey
happy birthday:cheer::cheer:
grtz wendy
Happy b-day! :D
Hi Ania! Congratz and have a nice day!!
(f) :kusje2:
Happy b-day (k)
niks te danke;)
no thanx:d
you are hot :$:p

greetz from holland!;)
Heej, beautiful!
You're very welcome for the add ;)

I'am really fine, how are u?
Are u still coming to Holland for Hardcore party's?
I have never seen u before at a party (i think), but i really look forward to that day :)

Greets from Holland.
And hope to talk with u soon sometime :)

Ps: I added u, a time ago at msn.
But i have never seen u there yet! (maybe now ;))

12 hours that's kinda mutch for only a party i think ;)
Did u never tought about living in holland or something?
Then u can go like every week (if u like)
I already have seen many party's here in holland.
They are only not all on partyflock :D
happy bday
Pozdrowienia z Holandii
wielki pocaunek
veel plezier er mee iniedergeval
en zo niet dan toch ! whehe...... Oi!

Hands up!

mad as hell


we knowe your name!

rotterdams house of pain!


bring me to my knees

allen tot


ready to kill!

by your command

death or alive
Prettige feestdagen en een gelukkig nieuwjaar 2012 ! (Y):bier:
Hey hey

Van harte gefeliciteerd :D

En nog vele jaren (f)

(k) Roy
happy bday (K)XX
Dont know yet , but I hope so (K)
tommooooooooorooooooow weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh cant waaait anymooooooooore