NaamJordy Beckers
Functie40× DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdrum & bass, dubstep
drum & bass, dubstep


Hailing from the utmost southern part of the Netherlands, Battletek is a new name arising on the D&B scene. After having picked up on D&B at around 2009 after having attended a Pendulum show he knew what was going to be the driving factor in his life for the time to come. Close after, he picked up on DJ'ing the whole spectrum of D&B at home at his parents' attic and his regular venue.

Around 2014, it was time to discover how these D&B tunes came into being and it was around this time he started learning about producing music. Starting off experimenting with Jump Up D&B, but being a fan of the whole spectrum D&B has to offer, he made his move into creating Liquid D&B. Soon after in 2016 his first record was born and released on Zazu and T & Sugah their High Tea Music label. Moreover, in 2018 he received support from Keeno on his track 'Budapest' being played during his radio show.

Uitgaansagenda Battletek

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 1 december 2023: Impulse, Nieuwe Nor, Heerlen


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40·in het verleden

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