NaamNathalie Fransen
Functie62× DJ
Lid van groepDames Draaien Door
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdeep house, electro, progressive trance, tech house
house, trance


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But when the gorgeous Eno-C steps up at the DJ-Booth, onlookers and listeners generally agree that she knows how to please the eyes and ears of the crowd. The native Dutchwoman has been a successful model around the world and established herself as everybody's darling in the international house scene.

After her classic and modern ballet education the young Nathalie Enochina was spotted by a model scout and won a big model contest. Ten years after she has worked for many big names around the world like Versace, Gucci or Escada. While modeling, she discovered her love for house music, bought some records, got caught by the DJ bug and from there on her skills developed quickly.

Her 2001 mix-compilation with the telling title "Progressive Dance Mix with an Exotic Twist" was on great demand and her success was instant, having support among clubbers, promoters and club owners across the globe which lead to many residencies all over the world.

Uitgaansagenda Eno-C

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 1 februari 2025: Brainwash, Escape, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
62·in het verleden
2174×bekeken sinds 3 april 2013


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