Brookes Brothers
11 november 2014
NaamDan Brookes & Phil Brookes
Functie46 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdrum & bass


One of the most respected production partnerships in Drum and Bass, the Brookes Brothers have become a formidable force across the bass music scene. Known for their unique, soul and disco infused beats, the Brookes Brothers are one of the genres most accomplished production teams.

Fresh from the BBC Radio 1 playlisted hit 'Loveline' released to wide acclaim on Breakbeat Kaos in late 2012, the legendary production team signed exclusively to the label they started out with, Viper Recordings.

In August 2013 the Brothers released 'Carry Me On' (featuring Chrom3 on vocals) to high acclaim, being selected as Zane Lowe's "Hottest Record in the World", as well as making the BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra playlist and hitting #7 on the official UK Independent Charts. With a new album in the works for 2014, the most exciting chapter so far for the Brookes Brothers is about to emerge.

Uitgaansagenda Brookes Brothers

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 2 november 2019: Korsakov, Maassilo, Rotterdam


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