Forumonderwerp · 872035
Well.. this one is a topic in which I am sure even the Dutch will participate in :yes:

In your opinion, which are the easiest chicks to score in Europe....???

And I mean score like in 1 day MAX.

After 10 years of going around Europe here is the TOP 3

Uitspraak van Partystarter op vrijdag 26 januari 2007 om 17:05:
You've got that right, just give em a beer or a cigarette

they nasty man..

like picture the worsted man in your mind!!

she prob fucked him

red light distric are ho's
magoed a weet jezelf :P
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van verwijderd op woensdag 10 januari 2007 om 14:06:
Hmmm Dutch on the 3rd place??? Yeah right!
I think you've been to the wrong place.. was it called ''the redlight district'' maybe?

The fact that you just fucked 1 or maybe 2 girls doens't mean that all dutch girls are easy.

Uitspraak van verwijderd op woensdag 10 januari 2007 om 14:06:
Hmmm Dutch on the 3rd place??? Yeah right!
I think you've been to the wrong place.. was it called ''the redlight district'' maybe?

The fact that you just fucked 1 or maybe 2 girls doens't mean that all dutch girls are easy.

Ummm to be honest..and no offense they are.

Not so easy as English girls or Polish or Swedish but they are easy :yes:
There all easy, you just got to find out how much drugs is just enough :P

Only kiddin :P
My guess is iceland more then 70 % is female. :[
Uitspraak van verwijderd op vrijdag 3 november 2006 om 12:48:
u r 18 years many swedish,english or spanish girls u had then?stfu :[

1 swedish and 1 english.. dutch and bulgarian girls as well but i dont think they WERE good enough for the top-3.
non spanish yet but i know a lot of spanish girls who've told me storys etc i can easely say i like them, and its mine opinion ?!?!? :loser::nocheer:
Uitspraak van GEN-X op zondag 21 januari 2007 om 21:15:
vast wel allemaal praatjes

Dont quite understand that? Why would I have ''praatjes'' about the redlight district???
Or do you mean our fantastic topic-opener?

Uitspraak van Alex Moulas op donderdag 1 februari 2007 om 19:23:
Ummm to be honest..and no offense they are.

Not so easy as English girls or Polish or Swedish but they are easy

Okay.. maybe you're to shallow to understand what i mean. But its okay.. can't expect from you to think the same as normal people :)

Keep on fucking.. and remember to write it down in your scedule, so you can bore us with your statistic ;)
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Uitspraak van verwijderd op woensdag 7 februari 2007 om 19:43:
Dont quite understand that? Why would I have ''praatjes'' about the redlight district???

it means this topic is all talk !!!
its dutch!!

all talk no action!

english girls are as ugly as a cow's behind..

everybody there is!!!
Uitspraak van verwijderd op woensdag 7 februari 2007 om 19:43:
Okay.. maybe you're to shallow to understand what i mean. But its okay.. can't expect from you to think the same as normal people

Now isn`t that a cruel remark??? Why ain`t I normal. I am Greek, I am educated, I have a good jobm high paid, whats not so normal about that.

I am just saying how it is little girl :D. Thats all. If the truth hurts then well avoid it :yes: But don`t call me hurt my feelings :( Naaah what am I saying of course I don`t understand I am man right??? And a greek so I guess I am wrong sine I think with my dick and not with my head..right??!!! :D

But then again your only 20 and living in a small little village in Limburg so what do you know???? You have alot to learn young lady...;) and there is alot of people on PF that can help you with it

Uitspraak van verwijderd op woensdag 7 februari 2007 om 19:43:
Keep on fucking.. and remember to write it down in your scedule, so you can bore us with your statistic

I stopped for a while. Its winter and I am in winter hibration :yes:

But will start on my summer Europena tour this summer :yes:
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Uitspraak van Alex Moulas op maandag 12 februari 2007 om 10:16:
But then again your only 20 and living in a small little village in Limburg so what do you know???? You have alot to learn young lady... and there is alot of people on PF that can help you with it

Hmm so what do I know? Don't say that.. cause i've been throught a lot more than you know.

And a small little village in Limburg thats right, you want to know the rest?

I've lived in Oklahoma state for 2 years, lived in Utrecht city for 5 years, lived alone for 1 year, worked last summer in New York with disabeld people for 4 months and i'm going to Cape town in about 3 weeks.. i'm staying there for 3 months to work with street children.

So please don't patronize me! cause i'm not that small town girl that you think !
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Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 13 februari 2007 om 21:40:
So please don't patronize me! cause i'm not that small town girl that you think !

Yes you are :yes: Cause if you weren` wouldn`t talk some much about yourself tryin to proove yourself on this forum or to me.

Anywayz, I`m happy for you that you`ve done so much in your life at that age.....but you still know jackshit about the realworld so...anyway to the topic please.....
Uitspraak van French connection op donderdag 2 november 2006 om 09:07:
Uitspraak van DarkSkywise op donderdag 2 november 2006 om 02:07:
Nail Polish?

It deepens where you from. If you are German most girls/women think you are a bad lover and always listen to march music. Therefore you don't have much chances :-(
So, the best hit is outside of Europe. Here the most people have no prejudgments :-)))
This is actually a new thread
Uitspraak van Alex Moulas op dinsdag 13 februari 2007 om 22:41:
Yes you are Cause if you weren` wouldn`t talk some much about yourself tryin to proove yourself on this forum or to me

Okay maybe to you i am, but i'm not 29 like you so you can't compare that.

And yes ofcourse i want to proove myself.. you're saying things about me that i disagre with.. ofcourse i want to say my opion about that.

But you know what? i will shut up also because you send that personal message :)
Uitspraak van verwijderd op woensdag 14 februari 2007 om 14:30:
But you know what? i will shut up also because you send that personal message

;) Of course...nothing is personal on Partyflock :P