
Unwise × Lofi Courtyard

Unwise × Lofi Courtyard
23 juni 2023
georganiseerd door Site

Lofi (buiten) op de kaart Site
Basisweg 63

Tickets & prijzen Unwise × Lofi Courtyard

Early bird:€ 28,43→ uitverkocht
Voorverkoop 1:€ 30,99→ uitverkocht
Voorverkoop 2:€ 33,55
tot 17:00:€ 23,37
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Unwise × Lofi Courtyard

🇬🇧 dubstep
r&b, hip hop, house
🇬🇧 techno, afro
🇿🇦 afro
hip hop
UNWISE. A collective experience through music, that forms new connections. We want everyone - however different - to feel like one. And there’s a new chance to get together again.

We’ve secured a fresh round of local talent and international selectors again. Proudly presenting
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