Nicky Jam
8 februari 2018
georganiseerd door

AFAS Live (binnen) op de kaart Site
ArenA Boulevard 590

Tickets & prijs Nicky Jam

Early bird:€ 52,-
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Line-up Nicky Jam

· zang 🇺🇸 urban, latin


5600Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 25 maart 2020
geenstemresultaat (2 stemmen)


Nicky Jam in Amsterdam
14 februari 2018
Top-Selling Latin artist Nicky Jam is going to perform with 'The Series' tour in Amsterdam, on Friday, June 1st, 2018.
Top-Selling Latin artist Nicky Jam is going to perform with 'The Series' tour in Amsterdam, on Friday, June 1st, 2018.

The Puerto Rican singer differentiates himself with a smooth voice and Reggaeton style. He is best known for hits such as “Travesuras”, "Si Tu La Ves" (with Wisin), “El Perdón”, “Hasta el Amanecer”, “El Amante” and his recent participation in the hit Bella y Sensual" (with Romeo Santos and Daddy Yankee). In addition, he had numerous guest appearances on albums by other big latin artists such as Pitbull, Shakira & Ricky Martin.

The worldwide hit “El Perdón” (with Enrique Iglesias) was number one in the Netherlands for 7 weeks in a row and didn’t leave the charts for another 32 weeks. That means the song is ranked number 180 in the Dutch charts, of all time.
Two years after releasing this single in 2015, Nicky Jam released a new album ‘Fénix’.
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