Gaetano Parisio
NaamGaetano Parisio
Functie30× DJ
HerkomstItalië 🇮🇹


Gaetano grew up in Naples at the foot of the Vesuvius. He began listening and buying records when he was 14 creating his own musical background from early age. Meeting Marco Carola encourages Gaetano to develop his own musical sound and to buy instruments and set up his own recording studio. In 1996 Gaetano produces his first record, in the same year, he appears on labels of great prestige beginning to be recognized for his particular sound. By the end of 1997 Gaetano creates his first project 'Conform records", the label grew up really quickly, until now, Gaetano has produced artists such as The Advent, Adam Beyer. Ben Sims, Rino Cerrone and Marco himself. In the late 98, he started his second label ART, where Gaetano could express 100% his own unique production style.…

Uitgaansagenda Gaetano Parisio

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 18 maart 2022: Frenzy, RADION, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
30·in het verleden
631×bekeken sinds 5 april 2013
1·foto tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (2 stemmen)

mixcloud Recente muziek

1 waardering

jammer dat ie een btje doof aan het worden is, set op Heroes of Techno barstte van de fouten. Maar zkr vette producties.

1 opmerking