Mai Tai
1 mei 2020
NaamJetty Weels, Caroline de Wind & Eve L'Kay
Functie9 × band
Leeftijd40 – 41
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdisco, pop


Mai Tai is formed by the original Mai Tai members Harriette Weels and Caroline de Windt, Rowena Oemar 3rd lead singer and backing vocalists Nancy Zefo and Ronda Rensh.

Mai Tai History

In order of appearance: Nancy Zewefuik, Caroline de Windt, Harriette Weels, Rowena Oemar, Ronda Rensch
The group was originally comprised of singers Jetty (Harriette) Weels, Mildred Douglas and Carolien de Windt, all born in Suriname, Antilles. After a few years recording and performing in the Netherlands with local success, their 1984 single "History" (taken from their debut album Mai Tai) gained momentum among DJs on the world club and radio circuit. The track caught the ear of Virgin Records' head Richard Branson, who signed the track and the ladies to his hugely popular international label. It didn't take long for the song to become a tremendous hit in the UK, reaching the Top 10 of the country's pop chart, the Top 40 across Europe and a #3 postion on Billboard's US dance chart in 1985.

Uitgaansagenda Mai Tai

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 19 augustus 2023: Zomerparkfeest, Julianapark, Venlo


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