7 februari 2015
NaamDomenica de Smet
Functie28 × DJ
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
BoekingenSite …


Domenica bears her name well, she's a true Sunday's child, bonny and blithe. She's been playing 50's - 80's jazz, rhythm & blues, funk, soul, disco and boogie for several years, however growing up during the rise of the Belgian electronic music scene, beats have always been deeply rooted. Digging deep, long sets and playing vinyl are essential in Menica's approach to DJing.

In 2017 she founded her own imprint by the name of Ojoo Music where she organizes a series of events bringing forward-thinking underground electronic music with a sincere passion for vinyl. She needs her music to be challenging and innovative and holds a high appreciation for artistic individuality as opposed to hypes or trends. With Ojoo Music she aims to restore the connection between artist and dancer through choosing her venues wise, so the small and intimate venues is where you will find her.

Uitgaansagenda Menica

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 24 november 2023: Fuse, Fuse, Brussel


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27·in het verleden

soundcloud Recente muziek