NaamNour Jaber
Functie41 × DJ
HerkomstLibanon 🇱🇧
WoonachtigDuitsland 🇩🇪
Genresminimal, techno


Growing up playing the drums and bass guitar this talented Producer/DJ's powerful musical roots saw her arrive in Berlin in 2010 and find her way into the house and techno clubs of this magical city.

Nur Jaber originally coming from a beautiful yet troubled homeland of Beirut, Lebanon, the cultural experiences have without a doubt inspired and enriched her music always having deeper messages and meanings. She gained a plethora of valuable experiences at Boston's Berklee College of Music over the summers. She moved more towards electronic music, in particular music that makes you dance!

The last few years have certainly been busy for this Berlin resident. She continues to grow as a DJ and artist, playing some shows with live vocals over her DJ sets 2017 ended with her debut at Parisian club Concrete & 2018 started with a debut show in Shanghai, China where the scene is currently growing rapidly leading to what will surely be a full tour in Asia later in the year.

Uitgaansagenda Nur Jaber

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 14 juni 2024: Complex Summer, Complex, Maastricht


geen·in de toekomst
41·in het verleden
2·foto's tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (0.4861 stem)

soundcloud Recente muziek

spotify Muziek

14 mei 2022
Foto's, bauhauz, 14 mei 2022, Melkfabriek, Arnhem