Mr Raoul K
NaamRaoul Konan
Functie14× DJ
HerkomstIvoorkust 🇨🇮
WoonachtigDuitsland 🇩🇪
Genresafro house, deep house, house
afro, house


Mr Raoul K hails from Agboville, Ivory Coast, West Africa.
In 1992, he left Africa and moved to Hamburg, Northern Germany.
While in Hamburg, he got seriously involved with the aesthetic vibe of dance and music.
As a result, he started working as a DJ.
At the same time, he was getting a professional education as a carpenter.
In 1999, he left Hamburg for a smaller city in Northern Germany called Lübeck.
While working as a carpenter in Lübeck, he continued to DJ and finally set up a home studio to learn production basics through trial and error.

As he is a quite rigorous guy, it took him a while to put together a track that met his demands.
Following some unpleasant recording deals with certain labels, Mr Raoul K launched his 'Baobab" label in 2007.
His first release 'Le Cercle Peul" got a warm welcome from many renowned producers (Jerome Sydenham, Josh Deep, Tobi Neumann, Henrik Schwarz, Jephte Guillaume) and clubbers worldwide.

Uitgaansagenda Mr Raoul K

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 29 september 2023: Pablo Fierro, Chinois, Illes balears


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