NaamTom Tiepermann
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
Genreshouse, tech house, techno
house, techno


Thomez, a passionated DJ and producer who fell in love with house music.

At a very young age, Thomez got in touch with house music. He had just turned eleven and already knew he wanted to become a DJ. His music taste was very different comparing to his peers. At that age, Thomez was listening to Defected compilations and was already scrolling the internet to see what's hot on the most well known party island, Ibiza.

After searching for good tracks and seeing his DJ idols performing, Thomez knew it, "this is what I want to become". It didn't took long and he bought his first DJ set. Thomez started playing at local parties giving the crowd a fresh new sound.

After a while Thomez started to play in clubs. He performed at the King Kong parties with Djuma Soundsystem. He was also asked to play at 40 years Brooklyn in De Vooruit in Ghent and at Café d'Anvers.

Uitgaansagenda Thomez

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 20 december 2013: Push it Club, Café d'Anvers, Antwerpen


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