Daniel Avery
NaamDaniel Avery
Functie71 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genreshouse, techno


Proud to present Daniel Avery's Illusion Of Time, an LP made in collaboration with Alessandro Cortini out 27th March on Phantasy/Mute. I've been a huge admirer of Alessandro's work for many years and this project was every bit as inspiring as I knew it would be. The experience felt unique in that much of the recording process was done remotely - we were both touring heavily at the time - sending each other care packages of beautiful noise from various parts of the world. Waking up in different time zones, different cities to something new was always a total rush. We were able to finish the record together in New York whilst on the Nine Inch Nails tour, the luminous context of which feels very fitting for an album we've given our hearts to at every stage. The album was mixed by Marta Salogni, the artwork designed by Planet Luke and the video for the title track (which is online today) directed by Tom Andrew and Sam Davis; we surrounded ourselves with masters.…

Uitgaansagenda Daniel Avery

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 27 juli 2024: Junction 2, Boston Manor Park, London


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