Mario Biani
NaamMario Biani
Functie41× DJ
HerkomstSpanje 🇪🇸
Genresdeep house, electro, house, tech house, techno
house, techno


Mario Biani, born in the 80's in Barcelona, started behind playing in the early 2000's. He has now shared the decks with some of the biggest names on the techno scene. He is known for his sets full of energy, very dynamic and with a lot of percussions, ready to storm the dancefloor.

In 2005, Mario started a new project with his longtime friend Marc Maya, and so began Narkotic Dlux with the two Barcelona djs sharing the decks all around Spain.

In August 2007, he had the chance to be a part of the team organizing the Hazard Desert Festival, with Enter Group, the company responsible for Monegros Festival and Florida135

As a consequence of his great work, Mario started as a resident at the mythical club Florida135 and Monegros Desert Festival, first as Narkotic Dlux with his friend Marc Maya, then individually. In 2009, the promoters from Monegros Festival and Floirda135 decided to start a new project in Barcelona and opened Row14, where Mario played under the moniker Mario Batlles.

Uitgaansagenda Mario Biani

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 13 juli 2019: elrow Ibiza, Amnesia, San Rafael


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40·in het verleden
geenstemresultaat (1 stem)

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