Quincy Glenn
NaamQuincy Kloppenburg
Functie88× DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresafro house, dancehall, deep house, house, urban
afro, house, latin, urban


Quincy Kloppenburg known as 'Dj Quincy Glenn' started his career 2 years ago where he followed a DJ workshop at Nolimit.
Quincy Glenn has is own style of spinning. He calls it "flexxing".
His inspiration started way back when Dj Chuckie was on his bobbling flow.
After a couple of months Quincy Glenn was invited to spin at "Amsterdam Open Air" He has been there for 2 years in a row and will spin again this year.
After a view other gigs Dj Quincy Glenn was spotted spinning at a streetparty in Amsterdam. He got the opportunity to spin at El Punto Latino. His way of spinning was different compared to the DJ's that came before him. Because of his unique style, mixing latin music with dirty house the crowd loved him.
After a year he met up with a well talented latin house DJ, Fabs and they spinned at Pathe Live.

Uitgaansagenda Quincy Glenn

Laatste optreden was op maandag 25 december 2023: Cheeky Monday, Melkweg, Amsterdam


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