Delta Heavy
NaamBen Hall, , Simon James
Functie97× DJ, groep
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdrum & bass, dubstep, house
drum & bass, dubstep, house


Simon James and Ben Hall – AKA bass music masters Delta Heavy - first met at Nottingham University back in '03. It's a friendship and partnership that's proved pivotal to both of them both personally and professionally. As a duo, their respective skill sets were perfectly matched: Simon was the one with the more traditional musical background while Ben had a penchant for sound engineering. Both loved DJ culture though and both spun. United by a love of underground club nights like Stealth and Detonate in Nottingham, their passion for music from drum 'n' bass to house was honed after many a night and early morning dancing 'til dawn. Needless to say, after they graduated, Messrs James and Hall made their way to London. Wasting no time with their electronic ambitions, both acquired computer software. Says Si over coffee in Kings Cross: "Because we both had the same interests in music, we thought we'd align our knowledge."

Uitgaansagenda Delta Heavy

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 1 februari 2025: Korsakov Weekender, Maassilo, Rotterdam


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2207×bekeken sinds 6 april 2013
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