Nick & Danny Chatelain
NaamNick & Danny Chatelain
FunctieDJ, groep
HerkomstSpanje 🇪🇸


Nick & Danny Chatelain are currently two of the hottest house DJs around. Their tracks are constantly being licensed to on compilations and played by some of the biggest names in the industry. The last few years we've seen them producing hit after hit, such as 'We Feel Love', 'Movimiento', Matasuegras, 'Baila Baila',Katrinyla, 'Caliente', 'Rumba', 'Addictive' and 'Sticky Dicks'.The sheer quality of their recent output has seen the collaboration requests pour in, resulting in such tracks as Backspin with Ellectrica, Jocelyn Brown's Better life, Wally Lopez's Iuvenis, HCCR's Night @ The Black and the huge hit The Crawl as well as remixes for DJ Wady, David Gausa, David Penn & Rober Gaez, Klement Bonelli & Brahms, D-Formation, Dario Nuñez and MastikSoul.Their tracks have been exclusively signed by labels such as Defected, Cr2 Records, Toolroom Records, Ovum, Net's Work, Vendetta, Armada, Bambossa and 4Kenzo Recordings.…

Uitgaansagenda Nick & Danny Chatelain

Laatste optreden was op zondag 25 augustus 2013: Metz on the Beach, View, Rockanje


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1 opmerking

KiNgsSs.. respect !!! nummer 1 fan hahahaha