NaamElliot Rothfield
FunctieDJ, live
HerkomstAustralië 🇦🇺
Genresdeep house, house, tech house, techno
house, techno


Below is a biography that i wrote about 2 or 3 years ago (at the tender age of 22). I thought it was pretty funny back then. I don't really think it is that funny now because it pops up around me alot and just like a friends re-run the novelty and humour (not that i think friends is funny) wears off quickly.

So why do i keep this biography?

Because believe it or not there are people out there who believe it and in anyones language, that is fucking hilarious. Journalists, followers and even promoters (occasionally)... So until i stop getting asked "What was it like being raised by wolves" from smiley bohemians with broken English, the bio stands.

Uitgaansagenda Child

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 20 oktober 2012: My 13 Sins, Bungalow 8, Amsterdam


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189×bekeken sinds 19 mei 2013
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