NaamHenry Smithson
Functie52 × DJ, 6 × live act
Lid van groepCarte Blanche
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdisco, electro, house, techno


Traditionally known for his Kosmiche tinged Electro-Techno sound, championed at his Space Ibiza residency and as part of the extended Ed Banger crew and tour DJ for Radio Soulwax, it might come as a surprise to learn that Riton has released a Mix Tape Album called 'Can't Stop The Clock.' But actually this aesthetic has long been a weapon of choice for Riton "I think it's because I always loved the sampling aesthetic. It still interests me the fact you an make a song without playing one note. I don't think anybody had ever come up with a more radical and punk way to make a song to date. I started buying Dance Records around the time when guys like MAARS would make a track from 100 bits of other records. In this sense 'Can't Stop The Clock' was a kind of a reverse Mix-tape cos normally you might find rappers using other people's beats and samples to showcase there vocals, whereas I had the vocals I wanted and built new instrumentals around them.
So I think that adds a new twist!"

Uitgaansagenda Riton

Laatste optreden was op woensdag 28 juni 2023: Balaton Sound, Balaton Beach, Zamárdi


geen·in de toekomst
57·in het verleden
2·foto's tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (0.8224 stem)

soundcloud Recente muziek

spotify Muziek

12 april 2009
Foto's, Clash, 12 april 2009, Oosterpoort, Groningen

2 waarderingen

Weet idd wat zijn publiek wilt én maakt hele lekkere tunes!
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