NaamJonas Dryhoel , Thomas Van Hulle
FunctieDJ, 12× live, groep
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
Genrespsytrance, trance
psy, trance


Aquila are Jonas & Thomas, born and raised in a small town near Ghent in Belgium. Due to shared interests they soon found each other and in 2001 they set up the 'Mental Gymnastics' organisation. Organising numerous psychedelic parties enabled them to work their way into the Belgian psytrance scene. Their most infamous realisations include a legendary Astral Projection party.

In the meantime Jonas (DJ Bonas) was testing out his mixing skills and the two of them got interested in the production side of the music. Eager to learn more about these possibilities they took part in an electronic music production course organised by the SAE institute in Rotterdam, Holland. Many hours of home production and the acquiring of the right hard- and software followed.

Uitgaansagenda Aquila

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 16 maart 2019: Organic Dreams, De Shop, Antwerpen


geen·in de toekomst
13·in het verleden

soundcloud Recente muziek