NaamAdi Lev
Functie271× DJ
HerkomstIsraël 🇮🇱
WoonachtigNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdrum & bass
drum & bass


Adi-J lives in Amsterdam and spins her "In Your Face" blend of Drum & Bass at events all around the country, with a list of International gigs as long as your arm and a current Dutch residency at: 'Cheeky Monday" @ Winston International, ADI-J always moves the crowd!

But things weren't always like that...

Born and raised in Israel, Adi-J has been expressing her musical side from a young age and has the epic CV as proof! Playing Bass (No surprise there!) Guitar in several high school bands, working for NMC Music's Dance Department, promoting the highly acclaimed "The Bassground" and running the website of the same name are just a few of her musical endeavours...

It was during a stay in London back in '94 that Adi-J became enchanted by the strange sounds emanating out of the British underground rave scene, her exposure to what we now know as Drum & Bass inspired her journey around the globe bringing breakbeats and bass to the masses...

Uitgaansagenda Adi-j

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 27 december 2024: PRSPCT X-Mas Rave, WORM, Rotterdam


geen·in de toekomst
270·in het verleden
2·foto's tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (1 stem)

soundcloud Recente muziek

15 april 2006
Foto's, In Qontrol, 15 april 2006, RAI, Amsterdam

2 waarderingen

gister op deep cutz was super dikke drum&bass sessie die je heb gedraait super van genote :D
die set met predator op defqon 2006 whoooow :lief: