© Monica Martini
6 september 2019
NaamLottie Aldridge
Functie9 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdrum & bass


Frenetic by name and frenetic by nature, the word isn't just the alias the 23-year-old breakout star of the Birmingham scene has carved out for herself, it's also the perfect way to describe the sound of her sets and an even more accurate way to illustrate her explosive entrance into the world of drum & bass.

Her sound builds heavily on her roots listening to the likes of Serial Killaz, Bladerunner, Dillinja and Shy FX, but has evolved to incorporate a good deal of the gritty edge she's absorbed through her immersion in the UK's second city. Expect heavy hitting rollers, big basslines and rattling breaks. A junglist through and through though, she comfortably dips into sounds right across the spectrum, drawing crowds in with her flawless selection and innate energy, bolstered with a healthy dose of dubs supplied by many across the scene who've recognised her talent and passion.

Uitgaansagenda Frenetic

Laatste optreden was op zondag 23 juli 2023: Nozstock The Hidden Valley, Nozstock The Hidden Valley, Bromyard


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