David Harness
NaamDavid Harness
Functie4 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸


David Harness is one of the most popular DJ/producers in the San Francisco Bay Area club scene. He has been described as 'a man who lives, breathes and emanates everything that is beautiful about deep house music and classic garage.' David is considered a 'rising star' within the dance community.' With influences varying from Barry White and the Love Unlimited Orchestra, Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, Quincy Jones, the Jackson Five, Stevie Wonder, Parliament Funkadelic, the Isley Brothers and First Choice, among others it's easy to see why funk and soul have always been strong elements in his sound. In 1990, David began DJ'ing at the After Dark in his hometown of Monterey, California. As his popularity grew past the boundaries of Monterey, he was invited to establish a residency at Tilt and the Sound Factory in San Francisco.

Uitgaansagenda David Harness

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 15 juli 2023: Glitterbox, The Midway SF, San Francisco


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