Leah Vee
13 mei 2019
Functie1 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdrum & bass, hip hop


Quirky, eclectic and totally unique is the perfect introduction for Leah Vee - a Rap Artist and Vocalist from London.
Full of surprises and versatility she has a skill for blending her unique sound across a variety of musical genres including Hip Hop, Drum and Bass and EDM.

Having spent most of her Saturday nights in warehouse raves during her late teens she began hosting over DJ sets as an MC and freestyle vocalist. This was the perfect foundation she needed to prepare her for a career as a music artist.

Leah Vee has worked her way up collaborating with a variety of producers on her unique sound. Her journey has taken time and has not been easy. She continued to create music as a form of therapy writing her wrongs and singing her blues. As she puts it " Good things take time"

Uitgaansagenda Leah Vee

Laatste optreden was op maandag 13 mei 2019: Cheeky Monday, Melkweg, Amsterdam


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