Toronto Is Broken
4 januari 2019
NaamChristian Hoffmann
Functie4 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdrum & bass


Christian Hoffmann's initial venture into the world of music started out with a guitar whilst at school, and after various attempts attract bands with his passion, he went on a solo mission to produce electronic music after buying Enter Shikari's first album "Take to the Skies". Several years of work and perseverance later, Christian went on to be picked up by the UK bass label Sub Slayers, ran by former Kiss FM and RAM Records resident Jay Cunning. His first release "The Move It EP" received high praise throughout the scene which featured "Spirit Song 2012", played by everyone from Paul Oakenfold to Sub Focus. "Spirit Song 2012" was also used as the main piece in the Arcadia Spectacular show at festivals all over the world.

Uitgaansagenda Toronto Is Broken

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 12 november 2022: Korsakov Weekender, Onderzeebootloods, Rotterdam


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