© Errikos Andreou
CJ Jeff
26 juli 2017
NaamΝικόλαος Ζαφείρης (Nikos Zafiris)
Functie4 × DJ
Lid van groep3 Amigo's
HerkomstGriekenland 🇬🇷


Marking 15 years in the game in 2016, CJ Jeff is a Greek electronic music superstar whose talent has been championed by some of the most respected house and techno labels around. Souvenir, Skint, Bedrock and most recently Objektivity and Yoshitoshi have released any array of dancefloor gems over the last decade, and with further releases on similarly esteemed labels on the way, CJ Jeff's reputation as one of the most exciting producers on the circuit looks set to expand exponentially.

Born and bred in Greece, and with influences ranging from Massive Attack and Pink Floyd to Danny Tenaglia, Jeff soon developed an idiosyncratic sound along with a suitable chic aesthetic to match. Having worked closely with fellow Greek producer Thodoris Triantafillou, Jeff's output immerses the listener into deep, rolling percussion-led house music that is both intricate in its construction and devastatingly effective when experienced in a club environment.

Uitgaansagenda CJ Jeff

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 24 november 2018: Thuishaven Wintercircus, Thuishaven terrein, Amsterdam


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