Forumonderwerp · 815912
Counting down... apparently something's happening on October 8th...

Only, I'm not telling yet... guess! :[

(No, I don't mean a party, even there'll probably be a few. Something else. This saturday. Might give a few hints later on. Might also not. Will decide upon that later.)

So, in three days...

(Yes, it's Partyflock-related. Somewhat. Wouldn't start a thread about it if it wasn't. Well, maybe.)
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Yes, you *would* know, wouldn't you? ;)
3 days until october 8th! october 8th is awesome.
On October 8 we also celebrate that Alkmaar (where I live) was freed from the Spanish oppressors in 1573... but that's not it either :p
But anyway, it's now two days instead of three, maybe this'll make it easier?
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I probably know the answer.. but I think it wouldn't be fair if I guessed it 8)
man just tell us :[

Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 02:41:
I probably know the answer..

I wouldn't be surprised if you did ;)

Uitspraak van Cataclysm op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 02:53:
man just tell us

No :[
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 03:05:
No :[

don't be so stubborn :[
Answer's still "no", though.
And besides, it's only 43 hours... what's 43 hours compared to the lifespan of universes?
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a drop in the ocean.

because of the time difference, do i get to hear it 8 hours before everybody else?? :D

Could also be 8 hours later.
i am 8 hours ahead, so realistically i should hear about it at 4pm friday :|
Unfortunately, I'm only a figment of your imagination, so "realism" is quite low on my list of character traits.

Sucks, huh? :P:P:P
yeah.. thought so.. there are no 'real' people on the internet anyway. :[

What is "People"? :|
Uitspraak van KellyLynn op woensdag 5 oktober 2005 om 13:38:
I know what it is...but I don't consider it partyflock-related.

Uitspraak van verwijderd op woensdag 5 oktober 2005 om 15:34:
Yes, you *would* know, wouldn't you?

is SingleMom coming to Holland?:o
Not in 2 days, she isn't ;)

Would be nice, though :D
I'm all out of ideas:/
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Just 28 hours more... :)
Uitspraak van Gus Klabanus op woensdag 5 oktober 2005 om 07:51:
Three days left to go until .....
the normal people also get weekend Mine starts today at 4pm

Nice to see you finally came to realize you are not one of the normal people ;) proud of you :D

That's tommorow :cheer:

Wait I know !:D You are gonna show us a picture (on PF) of you without any sunglasses so we get to see that our eyes are colored dark red (6) ;)
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And have those laser beams coming from my eyes ruin my camera? Again, no way.
is partyflock getting a new interface? :O
No, we'll have the same face as always.
Uitspraak van verwijderd op vrijdag 7 oktober 2005 om 02:49:
No, we'll have the same face as always.

are you getting a new face then?
Uitspraak van Patrick Allen B) op donderdag 6 oktober 2005 om 20:23:
Wait I know !:D You are gonna show us a picture (on PF) of you without any sunglasses so we get to see that our eyes are colored dark red (6) ;)

Uitspraak van Cataclysm op vrijdag 7 oktober 2005 om 02:50:
are you getting a new face then?

Well, there was this "Win Brad Pitt's Winning Features" contest... :P
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Uitspraak van verwijderd op vrijdag 7 oktober 2005 om 03:41:
Well, there was this "Win Brad Pitt's Winning Features" contest...

Let me won?

He lost :[
Uitspraak van verwijderd op vrijdag 7 oktober 2005 om 09:47:

He lost

That's when you woke up :D
Life's not fair, isn't it? (Scar, first line in "the Lion King")
15 minutes left... :O

no, make that 13
laatste aanpassing
Well, it was 4 years ago today....

...when one of my Internet friends needed a picture of a horse which she could use without being sued for copyright infringement. I searched and seached and couldn't find any (we didn't have Google Image Search back then).

So I took a blue marker pen and thus was born our thin blue friend with the winning smile, who once even filled in for me for two months as Main Manager of the Partyflock Forum...

:D Happy 4th Burfday verwijderd :D

(F) Moo-ny happy returns! (F)
laatste aanpassing
Happy Birthday Stickhorsie :D

4 years, it's a wonderfull age, as far as I can remember :9
party munchies & drinkies are over there ---------->
what an anti climax :[
Not if you're 4 :)
:respect: Stickhorsie :respect:
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Happy birthday! :cheer:

:cheer:HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:cheer:

:kusje: :hug: :kusje:
Horsie says: "Moo Moo Moo!" :D (=Thank moo you all! :D )
Uitspraak van verwijderd op zaterdag 8 oktober 2005 om 16:50:
Horsie says: "Moo Moo Moo!" (=Thank moo you all! )

Kinda weird :/

A horse that talks like a cow :P
"Moo!" was the first sound Horsie ever heard, so he kinda thought it was the natural thing to say...

from the StickHorsie™ origin story (yes, Horsie is from the future :O and yes, there are several Horsie stories available, by several writers even!):

They went to work. Merging replicant-DRNA and cobalt-iridium alloy mesh, connecting servo motors and command chips, tightening microbolts, using and adding all kinds of things that were invented recently, but never used. And six hours of hard work later (and enjoying every minute of it) Stick Horsie 1.0 was ready for its first trial run.

"Everything checks out.... let's see if it has some mobility!" Erjeon pressed a touchpad and bent over towards the small microphone on the control panel. "HORSIE, MOVE YOUR RIGHT LEG! MOVE YOUR LEG!"

Nothing happened.

Yet Kiw'lee broke out in laughter. "It will help if you actually plug it in, you know. The wire, yes?" Erjeon grinned sheepishly, fumbled with a couple of plugs and pressed the pad again. "HORSIE, MO-"

A loud explosion outside rocked the building on its foundations. "A.T.A! A-Tech Alert! A.T.A.!" a screen flashed in angry red letters. "Oh great," grumbled Erjeon. "Here we go again!" And with a sigh and a final look at Horsie, Kiw'lee and Erjeon left the laboratory. It was to be quite an ordinary day after all.

They should have stayed a little, maybe. For just a couple of seconds later, Horsie stirred into life. It moved its head, looked about a bit, moved its legs and repeated the only command it had ever heard.

"Moo?" it said, questioningly. "Moo?"

Later, during the flight from the lab, Horsie's voice processor gets damaged and he reverts to projecting word balloons, as seen in the Stargate-SG1 story where Horsie unexpectedly drops in...

"Sir! I think it’s trying to communicate!"

Siler drew their attention back to the figure, which indeed looked as if someone, in a moment of sheer inspiration, had taken a blue marker and drawn a rather cheerful stick horse on the closed iris. Above the creature’s head, something that looked suspiciously like a blue outlined conversation bubble had appeared, and letters were starting to form on the milky white surface in the center.

The General frowned at the new development. "What’s it saying?" he asked.

"Looks like ‘Moo!’" said Colonel O’Neill, leaning forward and squinting through the thick glass that shielded the control room.

“Moo?” questioned Daniel, “Why would a horse be saying moo?”

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Oke that clears things up :D

Any clue of where I could read the rest of those story's?

Off-topic: DSW the writer :respect:
Uitspraak van Patrick Allen B) op zaterdag 8 oktober 2005 om 18:02:
DSW the writer

the Stargate story isn't mine bytheway ;)

the writer knew Horsie and asked me if she could play around a bit with our thin blue pal (yes, it still needs to get finished)
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Anymoo, here in Holland, Horsie's burfday is already over and he's sleeping now with a grin wider than ever

He had a spendid day, wanted me to thank you all again for the good wishes and you're of course all invited for next year's party, which is gonna be totally grand!

(belated congratulations are still welcome, though ;) )
gefeliciteerd congratulations :D
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