Forumonderwerp · 773640


The main rule of the "English Only" subsection of Partyflock is... errr... English Only! (gee, simple ain't it? :D ) which means:

- no Dutch
- no mock English
(see below)
- no other languages (unless specified by a moderator)

after all, this section is meant to help our ever growing number of non-Dutch members, not to confuse them any more than they already are :P so unless it's to explain something (or anything like that), posting in Dutch *will* be considered an offense.

Other rules:

- avoid making duplicate threads - before you start a thread, check first if there isn't already one just like it. (Duplicate threads in the Dutch section don't count!)

- no spamming
- no dating
- careful with rude jokes (not all nationalities have the same sense of humor)
- easy on the nudie pics
- no need to prove every other reply that you know the word "fuck" :P
- no politically oriented stuff
- no racist remarks
- no "hello, I'm new here" threads please (we get 300 to 500 new members each day... imagine the mess that would make ;) )
- no off topic

and most of all:

- BE NICE! :lief:

Happy posting!


Here's how it works:

- Every time you violate this site's policy, you'll be issued a warning, which can get you anything from 0 to 3 demerits, depending on how serious the violation is. For instance: starting a duplicate thread gets you 0 (zero) demerits, starting a racist thread will get you 3 (three).

- As soon as the total of all your demerits so far is a multiple of 5 (so: 5, 10, 15, ...) you'll be temporarily banned from this site.

- The length of the ban will be determined by the total of demerits you've gained during the last 3 months, the so-called "active points". It's most definitely NOT allowed to circumvent bans by creating a second account. Such accounts will ALWAYS be permanently banned as soon as they're spotted.

- Permanent bans will rarely be issued in other cases, unless we're 100% positive that you've only joined to cause trouble.

Now of course it's always possible that you wish to dispute a warning or a ban, which you can do by
- mailing or
- using this form: or
- ask French Connection to mediate (only for those who don't speak Dutch).

However, it's always better just to be nice all of the time, which should save us all tons of trouble ;)

PS. if you've forgotten how many warnings / demerits / active points you have, just ask any one of the moderators!


Do not, I repeat DO NOT send invitations for parties using the Personal Message ("PB") section. This is against this site's policy, classifies as "spam" and would get you 4 (yes, four) demerit points. :O

If you want to send multiple invitations, please contact Promotional PMs/PBs are from 1 cent up! (which is pretty cheap anyway ;) )



· Overzicht - index

· Volgen - mark (the topic will be put in your "Volglijst")

· Niet meer volgen - unmark

· Nieuw - new

· Nieuw onderwerp - new thread

· Plaats antwoord - post reply

· Toevoegen - add, post

· Verzenden - send

· Citeer - quote

· Aanpassen - edit

· Laatste aanpassing - last edit

· Afgelopen weekend - last weekend

· Actief - recent (lit. "active")

· Interessant - interesting / important

· Jouw participaties - threads you participated in

· Instellingen - settings

· Medewerker - admin / moderator

· Beheerder - admin / moderator

· Mededeling - announcement

· Zoeken - search


· Aanpassen - edit profile

· Instellingen - setup (also: change fonts)

· Wachtwoord veranderen - change password

· Profiel plaatje - avatar & profile pic

· Jezelf verwijderen - delete account

· Schrijf bericht - send a private message to this person

· Maak vriendje - send a buddy request

· Bevestig vriendschap - confirm the other person's buddy request

· Negeer vrienschap - ignore the other person's buddy request

· Verwijder vriendschap - break up :-(

· Negeren - ignore

· Statistieken - stats

· pagina's bekeken - page views for this user

· (diagram) - page views bar graph

· x bekeken - profile visited by other users

· foto's - appearances on party pics

· fotoshoots - photo sessions as a photographer

· foto opmerkingen - posted remarks in the photo section

· forumonderwerpen - topics started by this user

· forumberichten - forum replies by this user

· privéberichten geschreven - private messages sent

· privéberichten ontvangen - private messages received

· vrienden - buddies

. niet actieve vrienden - inactive, banned, deleted or deceased buddies

· favoriete artiesten - favorite artists

· favoriete organisaties - favorite party organizers

· favoriete lokaties - favorite places-to-go

· feesten bezocht - parties visited

· verslagen - party reviews by this user


· Afgelast - canceled

· Duur - duration

· Uur - hour

· uitverkocht - sold out

· deur - door

· voorverkoop - presale

· gratis - free

· leeftijd - age

· opmerkingen - comments/notes/remarks

· euro - local coinage (be sure to get some)

Report Abuse

Just click the little red envelope in the abusive reply or in the abuser's profile and send your complaint! ;)

About "mock english"

"Mock English" is anything that may look or sound like English to some, but is utterly incomprehensible for somebody who is really English-based, just like the Swedish chef in the Muppet Show will sound slightly Swedish... except to someone from Sweden :P

Example 1. Replacing the original English sounds in a word with the corresponding Dutch sounds, e.g. "I love you very much" >> "Aai luf joe ferrie mutsj"

Example 2. Changing *some* words to English and keep others deliberately Dutch, e.g. "With my reet in the prikkeldreet" which really means "With my ass in the barbed wire"

Example 3. Doing a literal, Babelfish-like word-for-word translation, e.g. the Dutch expression "Hij ging het hoekje om" becomes "He went around the little corner" while it REALLY means "He kicked the bucket" (as in "died")

So the key factor is "comprehensibility for the English-spoken"... which means that spelling errors, dyslexia, accidental mistranslations (not quite the right word), chat lingo (ppl, btw, brb) and deliberate misspellings which are still completely comprehensible to those of Anglic descent (e.g. "Da Roolz") are NOT mock english and won't get you (or me) any demerits ;)

All clear now? :)
laatste aanpassing door een beheerder
Probably before the world will end, which is in 2012.
Uitspraak van verwijderd op maandag 12 december 2005 om 16:17:
Probably before the world will end, which is in 2012

Why wait? :/

There allready is a Fries version :P
Uitspraak van verwijderd op maandag 12 december 2005 om 16:17:
Probably before the world will end, which is in 2012.

I hope so!

where I can find all smiles??

and how I can hide things in my tekst? I saw it in some pofile.
I mean things r hided but if u click on they appear :)
For the smileys, go to Help > Opmaak > Smileys :)
or click here:

Hidden messages are done like this:

[hidden=This the visible text!]And here is the hidden text![/hidden]

which will look like:

This is the visible text!
laatste aanpassing
oh yes, and the first message in this thread now also contains a section about how Pf's ban system works (SingleMom thought I really should write a "ban tutorial" (Y) )
Uitspraak van verwijderd op vrijdag 16 december 2005 om 07:57:
For the smileys, go to Help > Opmaak > Smileys
or click here:

Hidden messages are done like this:

This the visible text!

which will look like:

This is the visible text!And here is the hidden text!

dnake u well I'll try right the way (K)
^thats confusing
this is a great and helpful topic . . .

but uh . .can someone please tell me how to post a pic in a forum .
i've been here a while and i still haven't figured it out . .
Uitspraak van Nanda op zaterdag 4 februari 2006 om 10:53:
but uh . .can someone please tell me how to post a pic in a forum .
i've been here a while and i still haven't figured it out

you're kidding, right?

right?? :P
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van verwijderd op zondag 12 februari 2006 om 01:14:
you're kidding, right?

wish that were true . .
well, for everybody and you then... ;P

1. You can only post an image in a reply if it's already online somewhere. Don't try to copy anything directly from your PC... it won't work! ;)

2. Just copy the url (web address) of the picture to your reply and put [img] and [/img] around it, so it'll look something like this:


Make sure you copy the WHOLE url... if the pic is (for instance) in a MSN Group, the url can be quite long! If you don't get the whole url (which usually ends with .jpg or .gif or .bmp), your pic will look like a red X. :(

3. Finish your message and click "toevoegen"

4. Done! :)
laatste aanpassing
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. . . .. .

Rulez are ment to be broken.... Or in practicalities they are..

OFC i wont.... *cough*
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 21 februari 2006 om 01:56:
Rulez are ment to be broken.

I'm agree with that
laatste aanpassing door een beheerder
no, it's people who made a donation on the partyflock's bank account :)
Uitspraak van French connection op dinsdag 25 april 2006 om 01:03:
no, it's people who made a donation on the partyflock's bank account

While regularly clicking on some banners on the site might help a lot as well, since international payments are still not sorted out very well here. How on earth is it possible for, lets say, a Kiwi, to make a contribution to the site? I honestly think they should come up with some better sponsoring tactics. Introduce some (more:s)creditcard options, slight step to open Partyflock for everyone using the world wide web.
I`ll hope I understand all of this :/
Lol that's just a dutch phrase translated to english. Seems nothing wrong with that in this case :P

Just made these two thingies, hope it helps the english users.
And I know this is not the right topic, but I posted it here because I'm too lazy to use the search function. Mayby DSW could put it in the right topic.

explain Me .....

dsw (esp)
No the bell did not say there. All of a sudden it rained in abundance. Full good courage ran I by butter then the door opened and following kakatoe with a scheermes to obtain went. The next time differently cannot you vergif take that it goes therefore well. Clouds rustle concerning street, deeply stirred of the gas in the tree totaan the end of the anthill, to see there the neighbour man
Never mind ;)
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van Speedy JJ op dinsdag 25 april 2006 om 04:35:
While regularly clicking on some banners on the site might help a lot as well, since international payments are still not sorted out very well here. How on earth is it possible for, lets say, a Kiwi, to make a contribution to the site?

I'll check with the person in charge of the donations... maybe something like PayPal would be an option?

Uitspraak van verwijderd op vrijdag 30 juni 2006 om 03:06:


that's me :D

Dark-Sky-Wise :D
Uitspraak van verwijderd op woensdag 19 juli 2006 om 05:18:
maybe something like PayPal would be an option?

:yes: no extra coast. when i did the bank transfer, they charged me a lot for that :(
Thanks for the menu translation, I copyed it!!
Works a whole lot better!
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van verwijderd op zondag 8 mei 2005 om 15:36:
The main rule of the "English Only" subsection of Partyflock is... errr... English Only! (gee, simple ain't it? :D ) which means:

- no Dutch

really? i dont see that people obey this.. ;(
Hey how can i place pics into a post? How looks the code?
Thank you DarkSkywise for the translating...dutch is nearly to german, but not everything i understand. For other users it will be more easy.
just put the adress between
laatste aanpassing
Hmm Blah...i see no letters...
Ok, i try for myself...

I got it...
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van aanaa op dinsdag 29 augustus 2006 om 19:35:
really? i dont see that people obey this.. :(

I also see this and it's starting to be annoying

Uitspraak van aanaa op dinsdag 29 augustus 2006 om 19:35:
The main rule of the "English Only" subsection of Partyflock is... errr... English Only! (gee, simple ain't it? ) which means:

- no Dutch

Are they being punished for this crime :@ :P