Rong open air festival
17 november 2023
georganiseerd door Site

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Tickets & prijs Rong open air festival

Voorverkoop:€ 158,31
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Rong open air festival


Rong Open Air Festival Malta 2024.Thursday 9th - Sunday 12th May.

Full info:

Rongun's! For years we’ve dreamed of hosting our own outdoor rave in the sun - but with so many festivals already in the UK calendar and the weather being...well...pretty awful most of the time, we’ve sat quietly on the sideline waiting for the right opportunity and location to present its self.

We explored launching in Malta back in 2018, but the timing wasn't quite right - Then after Rong Indoor Festival 2022 last year, we were presented with the opportunity again and flew to the island in April to scope out the venues.

After the visit, we knew that Malta was the perfect location to launch an international Trance festival. Malta is absolutely stunning!

Trust us when we say that this event is going to be something special - Just wait until you see the line up!

Tickets will be on sale soon, head over to the website to learn more about the event and get signed up now!
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