
FIBER × The Rest is Noise

FIBER × The Rest is Noise
georganiseerd door Site,

Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ (binnen) op de kaart Site
Piet Heinkade 1

Tickets & prijzen FIBER × The Rest is Noise

Voorverkoop:€ 25,-
studenten:€ 20,-
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up FIBER × The Rest is Noise

za 19:30 - 20:30:  · instrumentalist 🇩🇪
za 20:30 - 21:15:  · zang 🇺🇸 rock
za 21:15 - 21:45: 
za 21:45 - 22:45:  · instrumentalist 🇩🇪
za 22:45 - 01:00: 


134Facebookbezoekers @ 10 december 2019
769Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 10 december 2019
1267Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 5 oktober 2020
geenstemresultaat (1 stem)
FIBER and The Rest is Noise present on the first Saturday of 2020 two cutting-edge audio visual performances which provide unique perspectives on a fast changing world: the highly technological makeable world of Robert Henke and the futuristic interpretation of ancient West-African rituals by Nkisi.

Robert Henke – CBM 8032 AV (Dutch premiere)
Commanding a line-up of five 1980s Commodore computers, Berlin electronic producer and software engineer, Robert Henke uses machines that were never built for the creation of electronic music nor audiovisual art to staggering results. ‘‘Everything presented within 'CBM 8032 AV' could have been done in 1980,’’ says Henke, ‘‘but it needed the cultural backdrop of 2019 to come up with the artistic ideas driving it.’’ Henke developed the show, which takes the viewer back to the beginning of the digital revolution, with software engineer Anna Tskhovrebov.
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