

2019 Facebook
3 december 2018
georganiseerd door Site

La Brugeoise (binnen) op de kaart Site
Vaartdijkstraat 5
schatting: house, club, r&b, electro

Tickets & prijs Bruges

Voorverkoop:€ 28,55
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Bruges

1The Loft
house, urban, r&b
2The Basement
house, urban, r&b, hip hop, latin, reggae
house, drum & bass, dubstep


798Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 31 juli 2020
Deleye presents B R U G E S 2 0 1 9 - MMXIX

When. 31 / 12 / 2018
Where. La Brugeoise
What. A Difference in Style! (Open 22PM - 6AM)

Quality in style

Experience your transition from old to new at a location where quality and style are the central theme of the night. We want to launch you into 2019 with nothing but good feelings.

Good Music

We handpicked a perfect mix of top-flight deejays that present you the ultimate selection from the finest classics to top charted tracks. A buffet of commercial, dance and urban music will be at your disposal for you to enjoy.

An 18+ party

Want to celebrate in a mature environment? Look no further!
Bruges 2019 is a strictly 18+ event. Get ready to party like the old days with like-minded people.

Luxury and comfort
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