
Itw ade night shifts

2048 × 2048 · locatie
ITW Loods
onderdeel van Site

ITW Loods (binnen) op de kaart
tt. Neveritaweg 15

Tickets & prijs Itw ade night shifts

Voorverkoop:€ 15,-
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1 waardering

Raoul Duke
Sfeer en locatie fenomenaal, jammer dat er weinig lijn in de muziek zat.

Line-up Itw ade night shifts

house, disco, hip hop
🇩🇪 house
house, techno, disco


Into the Woods voegt drie exclusieve clubnachten toe aan het ADE programma.
Night shifts Friday and Saturday are sold out.

Are you looking for a ticket? TicketSwap is the only medium which is save to buy a second hand ticket. The original ticket will be replaced by TicketSwap with a new one to ensure that the buyer has a valid ticket. The name on the ticket will also be altered. The selling price can be a maximum of 120% of the original, to exclude sales through a black market.
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