Adres | Overtoom 301 1054 HW Amsterdam Nederland 🇳🇱 |
Site | ![]() |
ehbk@ot301.nl | |
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·When we, the Vereniging Eerste Hulp Bij Kunst (E.H.B.K.) first squatted the former film academy building in 1999, it was in very bad shape. The original plan of the local council, Stadsdeel Oud West, was to let it rot for a few years, then knock it down to build a bicycle path.
It was a really crazy idea. They budgeted it at something like 8 million euros, and everybody in the neighborhood was against it, particularly because theres a good bicycle path 50 meters down the road.
Naturally, it wasn't hard for us to come up with a better plan for the building. And after only one year of programming and presenting noncommercial art and music, the Project Management Bureau of Amsterdam named the OT301 an incubator for artists. Broedplaats Amsterdam, a new project started by the city to fund subcultural initiatives, granted us €770,000 for fire-safety repairs, and wind and water-resistant renovations.
With this support from the city, we went from squatters to legal renters, and were given a four year rental contract from Stadsdeel. This ensured the cultivation of an environment where artists could grow and experiment without commercial interference. It also enabled them to keep ticket prices for public events affordable, and provide low-cost in-house services, like printing, web-design, video production, and audio mastering, all aimed at artists and nonprofit groups.
After a couple of years of renting the option to buy the building came up. Although we had no money we started thinking about how we could get the money together to buy the building we all loved. The Triodos Cultuur fonds agreed to back us with a mortgage, so we had a very long internal meeting about wether or not we should buy the building as a collective. There was pros and cons and not everybody agreed on all the terms but we all realized that if we wouldn't buy it someone else would and that might be the end of us. So we did it, we bought the building and since 2007 we have been the official owners of the OT301.
When changing from squatters to renters we had to change our internal structure and when we bought the building, we had to change some things again. We became an official building with licenses and all the rules that come with those licenses. The opposite of what we as former squatters were used to, but that's the path we chose to take.
In the following years we slowly developed our democratic system and had our ups and downs. Meetings sometimes took more then 6 hours and decisions sometimes took weeks or months to take. Nonetheless we always have a core group of people that are willing to put in their time and effort to make it work.
At this moment we are still developing and shaping our organization and thoughts. We will probably always be a living organism that always allows itself to renew and reshape.
We hope to stay an inspiring building/organization that programs music, art, dance, theatre, film, workshops, vegan food and other experimental events for many more years.
It was a really crazy idea. They budgeted it at something like 8 million euros, and everybody in the neighborhood was against it, particularly because theres a good bicycle path 50 meters down the road.
Naturally, it wasn't hard for us to come up with a better plan for the building. And after only one year of programming and presenting noncommercial art and music, the Project Management Bureau of Amsterdam named the OT301 an incubator for artists. Broedplaats Amsterdam, a new project started by the city to fund subcultural initiatives, granted us €770,000 for fire-safety repairs, and wind and water-resistant renovations.
With this support from the city, we went from squatters to legal renters, and were given a four year rental contract from Stadsdeel. This ensured the cultivation of an environment where artists could grow and experiment without commercial interference. It also enabled them to keep ticket prices for public events affordable, and provide low-cost in-house services, like printing, web-design, video production, and audio mastering, all aimed at artists and nonprofit groups.
After a couple of years of renting the option to buy the building came up. Although we had no money we started thinking about how we could get the money together to buy the building we all loved. The Triodos Cultuur fonds agreed to back us with a mortgage, so we had a very long internal meeting about wether or not we should buy the building as a collective. There was pros and cons and not everybody agreed on all the terms but we all realized that if we wouldn't buy it someone else would and that might be the end of us. So we did it, we bought the building and since 2007 we have been the official owners of the OT301.
When changing from squatters to renters we had to change our internal structure and when we bought the building, we had to change some things again. We became an official building with licenses and all the rules that come with those licenses. The opposite of what we as former squatters were used to, but that's the path we chose to take.
In the following years we slowly developed our democratic system and had our ups and downs. Meetings sometimes took more then 6 hours and decisions sometimes took weeks or months to take. Nonetheless we always have a core group of people that are willing to put in their time and effort to make it work.
At this moment we are still developing and shaping our organization and thoughts. We will probably always be a living organism that always allows itself to renew and reshape.
We hope to stay an inspiring building/organization that programs music, art, dance, theatre, film, workshops, vegan food and other experimental events for many more years.
506 | · | feesten |
geen | · | in de toekomst |
506 | · | in het verleden |
1 | · | feest elders |
21610 | × | bekeken sinds 9 januari 2007 |
12 | · | nieuwsberichten |
6 | · | video's |
1664 | · | bezoekers · herkomst |
790 | · | unieke bezoekers |
290 | ![]() | fans |
78 | · | albumfoto's |
4 | · | opmerkingen |
zeer goed | · | stemresultaat (304 stemmen) |
alles tonen (12)
Krooks records night
23 mei 2017
We're excited to invite you to our little gathering on June 17th at OT301.
LET vroeg aan voorman JP Enfant om een avond te cureren waarbij hij één artiest mocht uitnodigen voor een drie uurrset. Zowel qua artiest als qua locatie kreeg hij de vrije hand. Zijn keuze: Detroit legend Luke Hess (FXHE, DeepLabs) in OT301. "Op deze manier kunnen we voor een selecte groep liefhebbers een warme Detroit Techno avond neerzetten waar je als programmeur alleen maar van kunt dromen", aldus Jan Pieter.
Vinnie, Donnie & Sjakie komen met trouwvideo
16 november 2012
Een oproep in de Telegraaf was genoeg: 'Drie halfgoden, samen anderhalve god, houden van feest muziek en een uitbundig feestje.' Eén zin gaf het startsein voor een stap in de richting van een volledig nieuwe markt: bruiloften en huwelijkspartijen.
Warme bassen en opwindende ritmes bij IChiOne
15 november 2012
Deze lange dagen vragen om samenzijn, IChiOne verzekert het van warme bassen, opwindene ritmes en opzwepende melodieën. Komende editie nodigt IChiOne Break-Fast uit Groningen en Technicality uit London uit naar OT301 om op zaterdag 1 decemeber hun gezamenlijke passie voor experiment, abstracte beats, drum funk en future jungle te vieren.
IChiOne al 8 jaar loyaal aan drum n bass
19 mei 2012
Ondertussen is het acht jaar geleden sinds feestorganisatie IChiOne zijn eerste drum and bass feest gaf. Deze unieke organisatie is een sterke en constante factor binnen de nationale en internationale drum and bass scene en heeft in de afgelopen jaren een trouwe achterban opgebouwd. IChiOne viert op zaterdag 2 juni zijn achtste jubileum in OT301, Overtoom 301 te Amsterdam.
Bomb Diggy presenteert Barcelona Bounce
13 mei 2012
Wie vindt Barcelona nou niet leuk?! Bomb Diggy presenteert een special editie in de Amsterdamse OT301. De nationale Barcelona Bounce! tour strijkt neer op de Overtoom met twee acts uit de Catalaanse hoofdstad die hun debuut maken in onze eigen hoofdstad.
IChiOne terug naar drum & bass uit 90's
4 februari 2012
Om de huidige generatie bekend te maken met de drum & bass van weleer én de fans van toen te behagen, draait IChiOne de klok twintig jaar terug met een old school editie op zaterdag 31 maart in OT301.
IChiOne zorgt voor drum and bass tijdens ADE
13 oktober 2011
Zaterdag 22 oktober is OT301 aan de Overtoom het domein van de eigenzinnige IChiOne. Deze clubnacht maakt onderdeel uit van het wereldberoemde Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), het evenement dat 9000 dance-professionals en 122.000 bezoekers trekt. 3
Het zevenjarig bestaan van dansorganisatie IChiOne wordt gevierd in de Amsterdamse OT301 op zaterdag 4 juni 2011. Ondanks dat IChiOne tegenwoordig minder regelmatig feesten geeft, stipt het graag zijn zevende jubileum aan met een kenmerkende en vooruitstrevende line up waar zij bekend om staat. De avond start met een diner waar iedereen welkom is, voor bezoekers die later op de avond komen is er de gehele avond finger food. 3
The story of Chicago house music
2 november 2010
Somewhere in Amsterdam organiseert een paar keer per jaar legendarische zondagavond feesten in de OT301 (Amsterdam). Afgelopen keer bliezen Juan Atkins, Rick Wilhite en suprise guest Moodymann het dak er vanaf, dit maal is het de eer aan de disco koning van Chicago Sadar Bahar, house legende Gene Hunt en Jackin' soldier Traxx. 2
4 opmerkingen
Mega bruute lokatie en mega relaxte sfeer