Flockonderwerp · 102402
Dit is creepy aan het worden.
Ik heb vrienden in de Oekraïne en die hebben mij gewezen op het volgende:

The first deputy minister of Health in Ukraine said in a statement that they have a different h1n1 swine flu than the rest of the world and US. In 6 days 500 000 people have been infected, 93 confirmed deaths. Statements from a lot of departments and officials seem to disagree but the fact is that if this is the h1n1 it might of either mutated or this is another swine flu strain.

The reason for this is obviously as stated above and that the strain in the Ukraine has a much bigger rate of filling the lungs with blood. This can be blamed on lack of public health but according to sources this is not the case. The plague or virus in the Ukraine has 10 times the mortality rate than the normal swine flu.

In a paper published in microbiology news called resurrecting influenza pandemic strains. The author recognized 5 strains of weaponized flu.

Confirmation that this is a mutated version: (or not a mutation of h1n1 but a viral pneumonia which is something different)

1. 250 000 to 500 000 infected in one day, way faster than any other country the h1n1 has been
2. Many cases of viral pneumonia where the lungs fill with blood, a much higher viral pneumonia rate than any other country
3. Ukraine Health minister said himself that "swine flu has mutated"
4. Much bigger death rate than normal

The most cases are in the rural north west area of the Ukraine. That statistics are not unusual for a few months but this is for a few days. On the ground though, unconfirmed reports say that people are going on as normal, they also say that this is fear mongering. (speaking to locals) WHO needs to confirm that the genes have are different, if they are not that means the swine flu has not mutated.

Everyone is waiting for the gene sequences which will confirm whether this has been hyped up, a real mutated h1n1 or just bad health services in the Ukraine.

Update 1.

Please note. The h1n1 and the viral pneumonic plague is two different things. What we are saying is that either the h1n1 has mutated OR there is a viral pneumonic outbreak at the same scale of the h1n1.
[cite]The number of cases has risen to 1347538 people that are infected with the "virus". As the WHO still have not said what this is I guess we shall call it pneumonic plague still until evidence points otherwise.
73373 of those people infected remain in hospital whereas the number of deaths risen to 282 people that died.

aangepast: iets beter leesbaar gemaakt
laatste aanpassing

Iedereen maakt zich druk om een griepje terwijl ze letterlijk de Tering hebben losgelaten!
Wat vaccinaties doen is de weerstand verzwakken m.i. dus mensen die nu nog nergens last van hebben na hun prikje, vallen straks als vliegen uit de lucht (ook mensen die niet gevaccineerd zijn btw) plus het feit dat de economie al een tijdje op instorten staat. Hoppa! Staat van beleg, iedereen in quarantaine en we krijgen scenario's zoals in "28 days later". Pure chaos dus!

Ofwel is wat er gebeurt in de Oekraïne een test op toekomstige plannen ofwel the real deal!
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van verwijderd op maandag 16 november 2009 om 18:53:
en we krijgen scenario's zoals in "28 days later". Pure chaos dus!

nee zoals in "the stand"
Eng, maar toch op een 1 of andere manier heeft die onmacht wel wat..
De natuur blijft superieur tegenover de mensheid, mooi fenomeen
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 17 november 2009 om 23:20:
De natuur blijft superieur tegenover de mensheid, mooi fenomeen
