Flockonderwerp · 58807
Jullie wisten al dat ik van quotes hield, maar d'r zijn er meer!

Drop hier quotes die je tegenkomt die bijvoorbeeld een duidelijke
reflectie zijn van ons leven.

“God is a concept by which we measure our pain”

You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.

Our society is run by insane people for insane
objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for
maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away
"as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.

If everyone demanded peace instead of another television
set, then there'd be peace.

“You are all geniuses, and you are all beautiful. You don't
need anyone to tell you who you are. You are what you are.
Get out there and get peace, think peace, live peace, and
breathe peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like.”

“It's fear of the unknown. The unknown is what it is.
And to be frightened of it is what sends everybody scurrying
around chasing dreams, illusions, wars, peace, love, hate,
all that--it's all illusion. Unknown is what it is. Accept that
it's unknown and it's plain sailing. Everything is unknown--then
you're ahead of the game. That's what it is. Right?”

“My role in society, or any artist's or poet's role, is to try
and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel.
Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all.”

"I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky.
I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I
believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said
was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong."

John Lennon
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"Cynical realism is the intelligent man's best excuse for doing nothing in an intolerable situation."

Aldous Huxley.
"This fool [Copernicus] wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy; but sacred scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth."


Wijsheid: zelfs als je hem iets ontneemt wordt hij groter!
De leek doet wat hij niet laten kan.
de wijze laat wat hij niet doen kan :)
Uitspraak van Dreadmanneke op woensdag 14 januari 2009 om 21:38:
Wijsheid: zelfs als je hem iets ontneemt wordt hij groter!

Zij die niets te verliezen hebben groeien verder?
Little boy asked his father:
what is democracy?

Father answerd:
that's when young man put up the guns and start killing each other
Uitspraak van verwijderd op donderdag 22 januari 2009 om 13:40:
Little boy asked his father:
what is democracy?

Father answerd:
that's when young man put up the guns and start killing each other

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is van de film Johnny got his gun
Sad but true:

"Eenieder die uit zijn eerste jeugddromen is ontwaakt, die afgaat op zijn eigen en andermans ervaring, die zich in het leven, in de geschiedenis van het verre verleden en die van zijn eigen tijd en ten slotte in de werken van de grote dichters heeft verdiept, die zal, tenminste als zijn oordeelsvermogen niet door een of ander voor altijd ingesleten vooroordeel wordt verlamd, ongetwijfeld tot de slotsom komen dat deze mensenwereld het rijk is van het toeval en de dwaling, die er meedogenloos in huishouden, zowel in het groot als in het klein, en dat daarnaast ook nog eens een keer de dwaasheid en de verdorvenheid er met de karwats zwaaien. Vandaar dat al het betere zich maar moeizaam een weg weet te banen, dat het edele en wijze zich maar heel zelden vertoont, effect sorteert of gehoor vindt, terwijl dat in feite het absurde en het foute op het gebied van het denken, het botte en smakeloze op dat van de kunst, en het boosaardige en achterbakse op dat van het handelen de dienst uitmaken, waarbij ze slechts door korte onderbrekingen worden gestoord. Hij zal constateren dat daarentegen het voortreffelijke, in welke vorm dan ook, altijd slechts een uitzondering vormt, één geval uit miljoenen; vandaar ook dat, wanneer het zich in een werk van blijvende aard kenbaarbaar maakt, dat werk naderhand, nadat het de wrok van zijn tijdgenoten heeft overleefd, geheel op zichzelf staat en zorgvuldig wordt bewaard, als was het een meteoriet, afkomstig uit een andere ordening van dingen dan we hier gewend zijn."

Arthur Schopenhauer, in De Wereld als Wil en Voorstelling, §59
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Uitspraak van Coming soon op dinsdag 23 december 2008 om 15:47:
God does not play dice, because if he did, he would win. (weet niet meer wie dat zei)

Je moet god niet vertellen wat te doen.

dat was toch die deen?
To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, don't worry about the darkness,for that is when the stars shine brightest

Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much
as your own unguarded thoughts.

The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done,
we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change.
So that every new moment is spent not in
regret, guilt, fear or anger,
but in wisdom, understanding and love.

If you wish others to know about your good deeds,
they are not truly good deeds.
If you fear others will find out about your bad deeds,
those are truly bad deeds.

Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.
"Die while you're alive
and be absolutely dead.
Then do whatever you want:
it's all good."

Bunan (1603-1676),
Japanese Zen Master
"Fools are those who are not in constant intercourse with their own divine nature."

De bijgelovige voelt zich teveel een vreemdeling op aarde om echt belangstelling voor andere mensen te hebben.
LAs het in een boek over nazi ufo's...

Hoe meer we terug kijken in de historie van de mensheid, hoe slimmer we waren.
A opinion is like an asshole.
Everybody got one
"Young people are threatened... by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire."

Pope John Paul II

Gebundelde stokken kan je je niet breken

keniaans spreekwoord
Many would sooner die than think....In fact they do.

Betrand Russel
Uitspraak van Nanda op zondag 7 februari 2010 om 21:27:
Ja daar weet de paus alles van ;-)


"Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it."

Pope John Paul II
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LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its
splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not!

Albert Pike, Washington D.C. (1809 - 1891)
"Since God admits no Diversity into himself, he is always present;
and we become present to him whenever we put away Diversity from us."

"The nature of sin. It is the agreement of the higher with the lower
faculties, instead of compelling them to obedience."

"Virtue and Vice. All virtues are purifications, by which the
soul may disentangle itself from the lusts of the flesh."

"Prudence is wisdom in turning away from lower things, and turning to the things
above.It would be hard to find a more searching rule of life than
this, or a discipline that leads to a higher end than this; the end
of our life is not to avoid evil or copy the examples of good
men, but to become God." -Plotinus
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"Each soul must progress in its own manner, since the
perfect life is, in each degree, to live according to nature."

"There are three kinds of Souls : the Musician, who learns by
experience ; the Philosopher, who seeks knowledge, and the
Lover, whose characteristic power it is to love."

"The highest self of every man is God. This divinity
of every man is quiescent in him until he has developed it. To
become God, we have only to know ourselves."

"Soul is not an aggregate ; it is an organic unity of which God
is the highest phase."

"The soul must re-turn to herself, and if she does not find herself beautiful, she
must polish herself as the sculptor polishes his statue."-Plotinus
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"The wise man will have both joy and sorrow, for nothing
can be added to him or taken from him. If they are equally
wise, the rich and the poor man will be equally happy ; for if
external goods cannot add anything to intelligible things, how
can they add to intelligible happiness. Happiness is
of the soul so that even the change of death has no power to disturb it.
Death is after all nothing more terrible than a
change of dress on the stage. It is only terrible to children,
not to men. The soul should use the body as a tool, and not
be more affected by its injuries than a workman is affected by
the injury to his tool."

"Misfortune is nothing to the good and to the evil, it is a means of education."

"What is the wonder if souls do not enjoy a
divine life if they do not seek to become godlike ?" The
wise man enjoys the highest happiness of the world, the unselfish intuitions.
For the fleshly, this happiness therefore can
not exist, and though the wise man may not enjoy all the
different pleasures of life, he sounds its deepest depths.
Circumstances can only affect the external consciousness of the
happy man ; so that when the soul awakens into itself it forgets
its earthly nightmare of misery, and its real waking hours are
continually with God." -Plotinus
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"Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough and I will move the world."-Archimedes
Uitspraak van Coming soon op woensdag 9 juni 2010 om 00:06:
Act with compassion and kindness.

Uitspraak van Coming soon op woensdag 9 juni 2010 om 00:06:
Care, kindness and compassion wins every time.

moeite mee om op te brengen de laatste tijd...
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"A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. " - Malcolm X
Een wijs mens wordt vaak geboren in een gezin van dwazen.
*edit "Only When we are thoroughly aware of the limited scope of every point of view are we on the road to the sought-for comprehension of the whole." - K. Mannheim
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"oorlog, in brede zin van het woord; werkelijk een onzichtbaar vervangmiddel voor dreiging - kwetsbaarheid naar de staat toe en overgave tot overleven en bescherming van de burgers - tot serviliteit"

Steenvolk \o/ 8)
Deze vind ik een van zijn meest geniale, hij is ZO waar!

The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. - Albert Einstein
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
‘Onze diepste angst is niet dat we ontoereikend zijn, onze diepste angst is dat we onmetelijke kracht bezitten. Het is ons licht, niet onze duisternis, die ons angst aanjaagt. We vragen ons af: ‘Wie ben ik om briljant, fantastisch, talentvol, geweldig te zijn? Maar wie ben jij om dat niet te zijn? Je bent een kind van God.’ - Marianne Williamson
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It is better to be violent, if there is violence in their hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.
-Mahatma Gandhi

As you can see, this man did not have a simple view of the world, and is too often portrayed as an absolutist pacifist. He really was not. He noted that, while peace was always preferable, violence against oppression was predictable. Not to toot my own horn, but that's fairly close to my position.

"To revolt is a natural tendency of life.
Even a worm turns against the foot that
crushes it. In general, the vitality and
relative dignity of an animal can be measured
by the intensity of its instinct to revolt."
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In order to understand, we need to believe.
In order to believe, we need to see.
In order to see, we need to understand!
-zelf bedacht :P

Research has been man's greatest discovery, sadly it is only limited to that what they can see, touch or feel.
Everything that cannot be physically proven, will be denied..

That is called ignorance!
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“A friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself.”

“Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.”

"Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about."

"I think people that have a brother or sister don't realize how lucky they are. Sure, they fight a lot, but to know that there's always somebody there, somebody that's family."
Trey Parker and Matt Stone

"All I got in this world is my word and my balls. And I don't break 'em for nobody!"
tony montana

"If it turns out that there is a God, I don't think that he's evil. But the worst that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever."
Woody Allen

"Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have"

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
Mahatma Gandhi

"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
Albert Einstein

"Life is a long lesson in humility. "
James M. Barrie

“You might as well learn to like yourself, you have an awful lot of time to spend with you.”

"The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions."

“The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself.”
Rita Mae Brown

“Don't torture yourself, that's what friends are for.”
Ik verkondig niks nieuws , ik breng alleen de herinnering aan dingen die niet vergeten mogen worden .

Hazrat Inyat Kahn
“One thing is sure, a great change of our psychological attitude is imminent, that is certain…because we need more…we need more psychology, we need more understanding of human nature because the only real danger that exists is man himself, he is the great danger, and we are pitifully unaware of it, we know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied because we are the origin of all coming evil.” – Carl Gustav Jung

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Wat is wijsheid ? Ik weet het niet.

-Stardust Sisyphus
ik zit niet in de knoop, het systeem zit dat. Ik zit er alleen in vast

muziek, muziek is een offerplaats
Uitspraak van Nanda op zondag 7 februari 2010 om 21:27:
Gebundelde stokken kan je je niet breken

keniaans spreekwoord

? ;)
Yogi Tea quotes

A relaxed mind is a creative mind.

A wise person knows all beings to be One with him.

Act don't react.

Act with compassion and kindness.

Always be pure simple and honest.

A mother is as rich as a river.

An attitude of gratitude brings you opportunities.

Appreciate yourself and honor your soul.

Be happy so long a breath is in you.

Be proud of who you are.

Bliss is a constant state of mind, undisturbed by gain or loss.

By honouring your words, you are honoured in this world.

Care, kindness and compassion wins every time.

Containment and contentment are life's greatest gifts.

Delight the world with compassion, kindness and grace.

Disconnect from the past to have a future.

Enjoy the breath of life.

Entrust the knowledge to the children.

Even a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.

Every heartbeat creates a miracle.

Every neighbour can be your teacher.

Every smile is a direct achievement.

Experience is wisdom.

Experience the love and warmth of your soul.

Feel good be good do good.

Feel peace within yourself.

Find your own depth.

Grace brings contentment.

Gratitude is the open door to abundance.

Happiness is taking things as they are.

Have compassion with yourself.

Have wisom in your actions and faith in your merits.

If our inner self is secure our life is secure.

If you want to learn, read. If you want to understand, write. If you want to master, teach.

In distant travels you learn about yourself.

Inspiring others towards happiness brings you happiness.

Joy is the essemce of success.

Just do not let someone fall.

Keep up.

Laugh because it is your purpose in life.

Learn to be noble, courteous and committed.

Learn to be yourself.

Let only good thoughts be within you.

Let things come to you.

Let us learn in conjunction.

Let your heart guide you.

Let your soul shine like the sunshine.

Listen and you will develop intuition.

Live for each other.

Live to share.

Live with reverence for yourself and others.

Live your strength.

Love, compassion and kindness are the anchors of your life.

Love is where compassion prevails and kindness rules.

Love what is ahead by loving what has come before.

Make yourself happy that when others look at you they become happy too.

May this day bring you peace, tranquility and harmony.

May you have faith in your worth and act in your wisdom.

May your inner self be secure and happy.

Meditation excels you.

Mental happiness is nothing but total relaxation.

Nature is the giver, a true friend and a sustainer.

No ego, no problems.

One, who loves people, always has a big family.

One minute of laughing equals one hour of life.

One smile can open the world for you.

One taste is more than ten times telling.

One who knows how to enjoy life, does not need riches.

Oneness is achieved by recognising your self.

Only share your strengths, not your weaknesses.

Only you can make yourself perfect.

Only your experience belongs to you.

Our thoughts are forming the world.

Patience is the key of joy.

Peace is respect for others being different.

Progress is equal to the effort you put into something.

Quest, realization is exquisite.

Radiate your infinite light through your infinite self.

Reach the wonderland of consciousness.

Real happiness lies in that which never comes or goes but simply is.

Recognize that the other person is you.

Say it simple, straight and with a smile.

See the soul and divinity in everybody.

See yourself in the mirror of grace.

Self reliance conquers all defficulties.

Share your strengths and not your weaknesses,

Sing from your heart.

Soul is your best friend.

Speak the Truth.

The art of happiness is to serve all.

The beat of your heart is the rhythm of your soul.

The beauty of life is to experience yourself.

The best way of life is to be. Simply be.

The heart sees deeper than the eye.

The mind is energy. Regulate it.

The mind is given to you, you are not given to the mind.

The most intimite relationship within you is between the body and soul.

The only tools you need is kindness.

The physical body is a temple. Take care of it.

The power of love is infinite.

The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment.

The strength in you is your endurance. The intelligence in you is your vastnesss.

There is not much social progress, as long as there are unhappy children.

There is nothing more precious then the Self.

To be calm is the highest achievement of the self.

To be great, is to feel great and act great.

To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

Tranquility is the essence of life.

Travel light.

Travel light, live light, spread the light be the light.

True understanding is found through compassion.

True wealth is the ability to let go of your possessions

Truth is everlasting.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

We can learn from a tree, how to live in extacy.

When ego is lost limit is lost.

When there is love there is no question.

When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.

Where there is mastery there is no mystery.

Wisdom, character and consciousness conquer everything.

Wisdom becomes knowledge when it becomes your personal experience.

You are born innocent and angelic.

You are remembered for your goodness.

You can make your world prosperous and happy by being you.

You don't know the weight of a burden you don't carry.

You must step out of your house for learning.

Your discipline is your only friend.

Your head must bow to your heart.

Your greatest strength is love.

Your greatness is measured by your gifts, not your possessions.

Your greatness is not what you have, its what you give.

Your intuition is your best friend.

Your soul protects you.

Your word is your greatest power.
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