Frank Lamboy
NaamFrank Lamboy
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸
Genreshouse, progressive trance, tech house
house, trance


With over 15 years in the music industry, Frank Lamboy has forged himself an impressive career. Working under several monikers such as, Renegade Tribe, 12 Tone, Ultra 5, Bogart and Gable, Destroyer, Andy & the Lamboy, Friscia & Lamboy, and also creator of the Sound Architechs, chances are that you have heard Frank Lamboy's remix and production work.

Frank Lamboy is no stranger to the electronic music scene. As a musician, his talent for music was apparent when he started to play the piano at the age of 4. His early training as a classical pianist later developed into a love for electronic music because of the highly influential NY club scene. This interest led him to pick up his first set of turntables. At the time, he was only 11 years of age.

Uitgaansagenda Frank Lamboy

Laatste optreden was op donderdag 15 oktober 2015: Blue, chUrch, Amsterdam


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