Dennis de Boer
Ricardo Boon
Michael van Ravenstein
Junot Theuwissen
Functie30× live, groep
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱 België 🇧🇪
Genreshardcore, uptempo hardcore
Ook herkend als


We have no mercy...
We have no fear..
We do not forgive, we do not forget!!
We take the lead: we are [artist=99975 name="€LIT€"!

In the current hardcore scene, where nothing seems to be hard enough and the uptempo tracks are being released in an unstoppable pace (in often questionable quality), it's time for a refreshing and new, hard sound.

BKJN proudly presents €LIT€!

The group consists of the artists DRS, Angernoizer and Chaotic Hostility, each individually known for their good productions and growing popularity, and this special merger will only increase this in the future. €LIT€ stands for the best fast-paced current hardcore and brings the quality the scene deserves. The act combines a distinctive sound with a big visual spectacle with the latest special effects including Pyrotechnics.

Uitgaansagenda €LIT€

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 15 februari 2020: Shellshock, Eventcentre Aquabest, Best

1 waardering

Heerlijk@Decibel :respect: ik ben fan (k)