Steve Reich


Steve Reich was recently called "our greatest living composer" (The New York Times), "America's greatest living composer." (The Village VOICE), '...the most original musical thinker of our time" (The New
Yorker) and '...among the great composers of the century" (The New York Times).. From his early taped speech pieces It's Gonna Rain (1965) and Come Out (1966) to his and video artist Beryl Korot's digital video opera Three Tales (2002), Mr. Reich's path has embraced not only aspects of Western Classical music, but the structures, harmonies, and rhythms of non-Western and American vernacular music, particularly jazz. "There's just a handful of living composers who can legitimately claim to have altered the direction of musical history and Steve Reich is one of them," states The Guardian (London).

In April 2009 Steve Reich was awarded the Pulitzer prize in Music for his composition 'Double Sextet'.

Uitgaansagenda Steve Reich

Laatste optreden was op woensdag 2 augustus 2017: Dekmantel Festival, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam


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