Drunken Kong
NaamD. Singh , Kyoko
Functie23× DJ, groep
HerkomstJapan 🇯🇵
Genreshouse, techno
house, techno


Drunken Kong is the project of D. Singh and DJ Kyoko. In 2010, the two started their project when one day, they suddenly decided to make a track together. Since then Drunken Kong focuses on experimenting with different styles of techno. Both members, coming from different musical backgrounds, have put their minds and energy in creating uplifting music.

Since the first gig of Drunken Kong at the end of 2011, they have been constantly active in the Tokyo techno scene, playing regularly at major Tokyo clubs such as Womb, Ageha, and Air. From then on, they have also been expanding their gigs to other regions of Japan and Asia. The two have also played alongside internationally top techno artists such as Mauro Picotto, Speedy J, Gabriel Ananda, Gary Beck D-Nox and Beckers, Guy J, Axel Karakasis and D-Unity and more. They also started their own party 'INTENTION" at WOMB, inviting new artists to Japan, such as Nathan Barato, Arjun Vagale and Jewel-Kid.

Uitgaansagenda Drunken Kong

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 18 oktober 2024: Eat The Beat, Oosterbar, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
23·in het verleden
1058×bekeken sinds 23 augustus 2016
geenstemresultaat (2 stemmen)

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