NaamColin Wood
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genreshouse, techno
house, techno


Woody, as he is fondly known, has in the past 10 years risen to be one of the main players on the Glasgow DJing circuit. Formerly a club PR, Woody is an avid clubber and it was his love of house music that motivated him to start playing and creating the music he so enjoyed partying to. Woody has been the main resident at some of Glasgow's busiest weekly club nights which includes The legendary Liquid Cool Soundsystem which was Glasgow's second longest running house night.

After a successful 2009, where he spent much of his summer midweek's on the island of Ibiza, rocking the legendary Pukka Up boat parties and Es Paradis, 2010 has shaped up to be his best year yet!

Uitgaansagenda Woody

Laatste optreden was op dinsdag 13 september 2016: Music is Revolution, Space, Playa d'en Bossa


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